07-30-2017, 09:14 PM
Ori's Adjusted Gathering Profiles + Ephemeral Profile
All profiles require:
- Botox Nav Meshes (found under Genetic's Post): Click Here
- Miner gear set to number 2 on your gear set list
- Botanist gear set to number 3 on your gear set list
If you're OCD like me and want to keep your gear sets under the same number, open the lua module in Notepad++ and at the top you'll see:
["gearsetmining"] = 2;
["gearsetbotany"] = 3;
Just change those numbers to your gear set numbers.
Ephemeral Nodes Profile:
- Requires these skill profiles by xTomahawkx: Click Here
- A lot of cordials
- I haven't found a way to make the profile function so it waits for 600 CP once at the ephemeral nodes instead of at the node directly after so I've set the GP requirement to 200 after the ephemeral node. Typically this allows for the cordial to come back up. Sometimes it won't but it doesn't stop the profile. It will use the GP and slightly throw it off but I've only seen a few that were turned into a regular
- There is now a 400 GP profile wait as well as a 200 GP wait profile
- The GP requirement is 600
- A little RNG involved with the rotation. If there are no procs, collectibility will be around 5/8 where as if there are procs you'll get 7/8 or 8/8.
- Also requires skills profiles by xTomahawkx: Click Here
- Goes to all botanist and miner folklore nodes
- Uses Genetic's Multi Gathering Profile: Click Here
- Goes to all botanist and miner folklore nodes
- Uses Genetic's Multi Gathering Profile: Click Here
- Gathers: Raw Triphane, Raw Star Spinel, Raw Rhodonite, Hallowed Basil
- Ports to Mor Dhona afterwards
- Uses Genetic's Multi Gathering Profile: Click Here
- Gathers: Othardian Plums, Lotus Root, Jhamemel Ginger, Hallowed Basil (yes it's in both)
- Ports to Mor Dhona afterwards
- Download the zip in drop box: Download Version 1.5
- Extract the files into: MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\ffxivminion\GatherProfiles
- Make sure to set your botany/miner to the correct gear set number or change the gear set number within the profiles
- Download the skill profiles from the links above and drop them into: MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles
- Download the Botox Meshes and drop them into: C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\Navigation
- Set the new navigation meshes as the DEFAULT mesh (go into the mmominion button in-game, select navigation, select the new mesh, a button will appear asking if you want that to be the default which you obviously say yes to)
As I said above, these are adjusted profiles. The original profiles belong to Genetic minus the ephemeral nodes.
I still have to fix the Raw Azurite for the Two Star Mat profile but I'll get that done and added ASAP.
Feel free to let me know if you run into any issues.
Warning: I tried to fix a problem where with the two Yanxia ephemeral nodes where your character would walk across the entire map.
My fix was to end the Perlite an in-game hour early and port to Kugane and back to Yanxia.
It seems to have fixed the problem since it ports to the closer aetheryte... but if you see yourself trying to swim across the entire map... it's just how it functions by default.
If you notice your bot stops at a specific node, please check your GP. If you're below 200/400 it will sit there and wait. That is on purpose.
Things to add/fix:
- Raw Azurite
- More reliable collectible rotation (I've tried a million times and apparently I'm just bad at gathering skill profiles)
- Whatever issues arise