08-04-2017, 05:29 AM
This pack include:
Automated: No need to add fish to your collectibles, no need to buy baits that can be purchased from NPCs!
Gil Makers: Two Profiles for gathering most of the leve fishes from 50~70 to sell on market boards!
Leveling: Level profiles designed to fish up leve turn-in fish along with red Scripts for quick, easy leveling!
Script Gathering: One and done gathering Red Script fish and Yellow Script Fish! Just buy Suspending Minnows for Yellows and Bream Lures for Reds. Also Red script will auto purchase "Live Shrimp" if you run out of lures!
Please feel free to show some love, by sending me keys, will love you forever. <3 <3 <3
![[Image: sQPnXCK.png]](http://i.imgur.com/sQPnXCK.png)
1. Set Fisher to "Skill Set List Number: 3." in FFXIV. Or open each profile and change the gear set number from 3 to the number
your fishing gear is saved as.
2. Buy Certain Baits! Check for .M, .R or .B in each profile name! *Bot will Buy all independent merchant baits!!!!*
--(Gothic.R)= All baits needed are programmed to Rebuy themselves.
--(Gothic.M)= Requires Baits/Lures that can only be purchased from Market Board or with Gather Scripts. Must have the bait needed!
--(Gothic.B)= Uses lures purchased from Market Boards or Gather Scripts but is not Needed to work, will use a npc purchasable bait -
--if lures are not in your inventory. For better Results, buy the Goblin Lures, Bream Lures and Suspending Minnows if they can be used.
3. Turn on, the bot should change gear and teleport to the area needed, the bot is also already pre programed to use collect and
collect the desired fish without any input from you and rebuy any baits sold by NPCs. "If you are having troubles with the collects see below"
File Location:
C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\ffxivminion\FishProfiles *Make sure it says FFXIVMinion64!!!!
Baits Needed:
--Ala Mhigan Ribbons: You will need "Suspending Lures" This can be purchased from the Market Boards or Traded for with Red Scripts.
--Diao Squids Profile: You will need either "Bream Lure" or "Live Shrimp", Bream Lures can be purchased from the Market Boards or Traded for with -
Red Scripts. Live Shrimp can be obtained from "Independent Merchant" in Onokoro POS: X:23.3, Y:9.2
Leveling Profile 50~60: You will need several different baits as listed Below....
--Stonefly Nymph: Purchased from Cloudtop merchant. Sea of Clouds
--Red Ballon: Purchased from Cloudtop merchant. Sea of Clouds
-- Goblin Jig: Used in Levels 58~60, Purchased from Market Boards
-- Bladed Steel Jigs: Used with Goblin Jigs in place of Stonefly Nymphs in certain fishing spots.
Leveling Profile 60~70: You will need several different baits as listed Below.... *Bot will Buy all independent merchant baits!!!!*
--Salmon Roe: Used in Levels 60~64, Amount needed 300-900+, Purchased from "Independent Merchant" Ralghar's Reach POS: X:12.6 Y:11.0
--Night Crawler: Used in Levels 64~67 Amount Needed 600-900+, Purchased from "Traveling Merchant" Reunion POS: X32.5 Y:28.9
--Midge Larva: Used in Levels 65~70 Amount Needed 600-900+, Purchased from "Traveling Merchant" Reunion POS: X32.5 Y:28.9
--Live Shrimp: Used in Levels 68~70 Amount Needed 600-900+, Purchased from "Independent Merchant" in Onokoro POS: X:23.3, Y:9.2
--Bream Lures: Used in Levels 68~70 "NOT NEEDED but Reccomended" Purchased from Red ScriptVendors, One located in Ralgar'sReach POS: X:9.9 Y:12.5
Leveling profile and your choices:
-- I have made available two versions of the leveling profile. If you feel you are losing too many fish with the patience profile than you may want -
to switch to the chum profile. I used the patience profile with 190 Ironworks gear and fishing Rod. Also the amount of bait needed veries -
depending on your rested exp, exp scrolls, gear level and if you choose to turn in the fish you caught with leves.
Trouble Shooting:
Q: Bot is just standing their....
A: Make sure you have correct bait, change to fisher. Then reload Lua Module "CTRL+L" and try again.
Q: I see HQ Yanxian Koi, Ala Mhighan Ribbons or Diao Squids in my inventory.
A: Bot is not using collection properly like it was programmed to do, You need to add them to your collectables list.
Q: Bot Isn't using collector's glove.
A: Reload Lua or Reset Minnion, the bot should by default.
Q: I am Diving underwater in "Isles of Zekki"
A: On the bot under "Advance Settings", "General Tab" set "Mount Distance" to 200. This will prevent from using the mount while walking
to new fishing spot.
Q: I set mount Distance to 200, still diving....
A: Use backup Zekki Dive Fix profile included untill MMOminion can fix this problem.
Q: When I use a profile, I lag really bad
A: Mini Devs haven't updated landing markers. Follow image below to add a marker in "Isles of Zeki" to fix this problem. And remember to Save!
![[Image: PlmTl0A.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/PlmTl0A.jpg)
Automated: No need to add fish to your collectibles, no need to buy baits that can be purchased from NPCs!
Gil Makers: Two Profiles for gathering most of the leve fishes from 50~70 to sell on market boards!
Leveling: Level profiles designed to fish up leve turn-in fish along with red Scripts for quick, easy leveling!
Script Gathering: One and done gathering Red Script fish and Yellow Script Fish! Just buy Suspending Minnows for Yellows and Bream Lures for Reds. Also Red script will auto purchase "Live Shrimp" if you run out of lures!
Please feel free to show some love, by sending me keys, will love you forever. <3 <3 <3
![[Image: sQPnXCK.png]](http://i.imgur.com/sQPnXCK.png)
1. Set Fisher to "Skill Set List Number: 3." in FFXIV. Or open each profile and change the gear set number from 3 to the number
your fishing gear is saved as.
2. Buy Certain Baits! Check for .M, .R or .B in each profile name! *Bot will Buy all independent merchant baits!!!!*
--(Gothic.R)= All baits needed are programmed to Rebuy themselves.
--(Gothic.M)= Requires Baits/Lures that can only be purchased from Market Board or with Gather Scripts. Must have the bait needed!
--(Gothic.B)= Uses lures purchased from Market Boards or Gather Scripts but is not Needed to work, will use a npc purchasable bait -
--if lures are not in your inventory. For better Results, buy the Goblin Lures, Bream Lures and Suspending Minnows if they can be used.
3. Turn on, the bot should change gear and teleport to the area needed, the bot is also already pre programed to use collect and
collect the desired fish without any input from you and rebuy any baits sold by NPCs. "If you are having troubles with the collects see below"
File Location:
C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\ffxivminion\FishProfiles *Make sure it says FFXIVMinion64!!!!
Baits Needed:
--Ala Mhigan Ribbons: You will need "Suspending Lures" This can be purchased from the Market Boards or Traded for with Red Scripts.
--Diao Squids Profile: You will need either "Bream Lure" or "Live Shrimp", Bream Lures can be purchased from the Market Boards or Traded for with -
Red Scripts. Live Shrimp can be obtained from "Independent Merchant" in Onokoro POS: X:23.3, Y:9.2
Leveling Profile 50~60: You will need several different baits as listed Below....
--Stonefly Nymph: Purchased from Cloudtop merchant. Sea of Clouds
--Red Ballon: Purchased from Cloudtop merchant. Sea of Clouds
-- Goblin Jig: Used in Levels 58~60, Purchased from Market Boards
-- Bladed Steel Jigs: Used with Goblin Jigs in place of Stonefly Nymphs in certain fishing spots.
Leveling Profile 60~70: You will need several different baits as listed Below.... *Bot will Buy all independent merchant baits!!!!*
--Salmon Roe: Used in Levels 60~64, Amount needed 300-900+, Purchased from "Independent Merchant" Ralghar's Reach POS: X:12.6 Y:11.0
--Night Crawler: Used in Levels 64~67 Amount Needed 600-900+, Purchased from "Traveling Merchant" Reunion POS: X32.5 Y:28.9
--Midge Larva: Used in Levels 65~70 Amount Needed 600-900+, Purchased from "Traveling Merchant" Reunion POS: X32.5 Y:28.9
--Live Shrimp: Used in Levels 68~70 Amount Needed 600-900+, Purchased from "Independent Merchant" in Onokoro POS: X:23.3, Y:9.2
--Bream Lures: Used in Levels 68~70 "NOT NEEDED but Reccomended" Purchased from Red ScriptVendors, One located in Ralgar'sReach POS: X:9.9 Y:12.5
Leveling profile and your choices:
-- I have made available two versions of the leveling profile. If you feel you are losing too many fish with the patience profile than you may want -
to switch to the chum profile. I used the patience profile with 190 Ironworks gear and fishing Rod. Also the amount of bait needed veries -
depending on your rested exp, exp scrolls, gear level and if you choose to turn in the fish you caught with leves.
Trouble Shooting:
Q: Bot is just standing their....
A: Make sure you have correct bait, change to fisher. Then reload Lua Module "CTRL+L" and try again.
Q: I see HQ Yanxian Koi, Ala Mhighan Ribbons or Diao Squids in my inventory.
A: Bot is not using collection properly like it was programmed to do, You need to add them to your collectables list.
Q: Bot Isn't using collector's glove.
A: Reload Lua or Reset Minnion, the bot should by default.
Q: I am Diving underwater in "Isles of Zekki"
A: On the bot under "Advance Settings", "General Tab" set "Mount Distance" to 200. This will prevent from using the mount while walking
to new fishing spot.
Q: I set mount Distance to 200, still diving....
A: Use backup Zekki Dive Fix profile included untill MMOminion can fix this problem.
Q: When I use a profile, I lag really bad
A: Mini Devs haven't updated landing markers. Follow image below to add a marker in "Isles of Zeki" to fix this problem. And remember to Save!
![[Image: PlmTl0A.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/PlmTl0A.jpg)