no sooner did i post the previous when i watched it run along the ground after clearing the fate and dive into the water and catch this log.......
5:51:0> D = "[AddEvacPoint]: Evac point was not added, there is already one very close."
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [A Walk Through the Valley]"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hey, Manzasiri,id=1263,completion=75,pos=-168.06340026855,2.5267081260681,314.03790283203"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [A Walk Through the Valley]"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:51:4> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hey, Manzasiri,id=1263,completion=75,pos=-168.06340026855,2.5267081260681,314.03790283203"
5:51:4> D = "[FateRandomDelay]: Delay does not apply, completion is too high."
5:51:4> D = "no nearest fate attackable"
5:51:4> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [140,4,59], MapID [622]"
5:51:4> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:4> D = "[WalkToPos]: Pathing was started."
5:51:5> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.05 < 5)"
5:51:5> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.33 < 5)"
5:51:6> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.42 < 5)"
5:51:7> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.7 < 5)"
5:51:7> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [107,9,100], MapID [622]"
5:51:7> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:7> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.93 < 5)"
5:51:8> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.14 < 5)"
5:51:8> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.28 < 5)"
5:51:9> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.23 < 5)"
5:51:10> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.57 < 5)"
5:51:10> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [63,9,144], MapID [622]"
5:51:10> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:10> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.72 < 5)"
5:51:11> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1 < 5)"
5:51:12> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.15 < 5)"
5:51:12> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.38 < 5)"
5:51:13> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.37 < 5)"
5:51:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [19,9,188], MapID [622]"
5:51:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:14> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.33 < 5)"
5:51:14> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:51:14> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:51:14> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hey, Manzasiri,id=1263,completion=75,pos=-168.06340026855,2.5267081260681,314.03790283203"
5:51:14> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.49 < 5)"
5:51:15> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.32 < 5)"
5:51:16> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.01 < 5)"
5:51:16> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.2 < 5)"
5:51:16> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [-24,18,231], MapID [622]"
5:51:16> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:17> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.41 < 5)"
5:51:17> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.52 < 5)"
5:51:19> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.38 < 5)"
5:51:19> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.6 < 5)"
5:51:19> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [-75,18,261], MapID [622]"
5:51:19> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:20> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.68 < 5)"
5:51:20> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.08 < 5)"
5:51:20> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.13 < 5)"
5:51:21> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.23 < 5)"
5:51:21> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.32 < 5)"
5:51:22> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.24 < 5)"
5:51:23> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [-130,18,270], MapID [622]"
5:51:23> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:23> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.39 < 5)"
5:51:24> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:51:24> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:51:24> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hey, Manzasiri,id=1263,completion=75,pos=-168.06340026855,2.5267081260681,314.03790283203"
5:51:24> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.53 < 5)"
5:51:24> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (0.98 < 5)"
5:51:25> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.06 < 5)"
5:51:25> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.93 < 5)"
5:51:25> D = "[Navigation]: Next node is not a flying node."
5:51:25> D = "[Navigation]: Next next node is also not a flying node."
5:51:25> D = "[Navigation] - Landing..."
5:51:25> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.51 < 1)"
5:51:26> D = "[WalkToPos]: Pathing was started."
5:51:26> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-168,3,314], From [-159,1,303], MapID [622]"
5:51:26> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [37]"
5:51:26> D = "Adding a new fate target."
5:51:26> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:51:34> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:51:34> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:51:34> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hey, Manzasiri,id=1263,completion=75,pos=-168.06340026855,2.5267081260681,314.03790283203"
5:51:34> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
5:51:34> D = "Adding a new fate target."
5:51:34> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:51:48> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:51:48> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-164,2,309], From [-160,1,304], MapID [622]"
5:51:48> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [2]"
5:51:48> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:51:48> D = "Adding avoidance task."
5:51:49> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.75 < 1)"
5:51:49> D = "[Navigation] - Path end reached."
5:51:56> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:51:56> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:51:56> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hey, Manzasiri,id=1263,completion=83,pos=-168.06340026855,2.5267081260681,314.03790283203"
5:51:56> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
5:51:58> D = "Adding a new fate target."
5:51:58> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:52:10> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
5:52:10> D = "Adding a new fate target."
5:52:10> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:52:12> D = "Ending fate, fate completion:100"
5:52:12> D = "Setting FATE to end completely."
5:52:13> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:13> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hey, Manzasiri]"
5:52:13> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Gulo Gulo], @ [-176.50109863281,4.326789855957,281.23901367188]"
5:52:13> D = "Picked target in normal block."
5:52:13> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:52:13> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Gulo Gulo], @ [-176.50109863281,4.326789855957,281.23901367188]"
5:52:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:52:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-177,4,281], From [-164,2,308], MapID [622]"
5:52:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [2]"
5:52:13> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:52:18> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:52:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:52:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-177,4,281], From [-165,2,305], MapID [622]"
5:52:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [2]"
5:52:18> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:52:19> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:52:20> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:52:26> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:52:34> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:52:34> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:52:34> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-171,3,300], From [-167,2,303], MapID [622]"
5:52:34> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [2]"
5:52:34> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:52:34> D = "Adding avoidance task."
5:52:35> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.76 < 1)"
5:52:39> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:52:44> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
5:52:44> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:44> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:44> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:45> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:45> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:45> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:45> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:45> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:46> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:46> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:52:46> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Water Sprite], @ [-147.53955078125,-2.324355840683,346.36450195313]"
5:52:46> D = "Picked target in normal block."
5:52:46> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:52:46> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Water Sprite], @ [-147.53955078125,-2.324355840683,346.36450195313]"
5:52:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:52:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-148,-2,346], From [-171,3,300], MapID [622]"
5:52:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [5]"
5:52:46> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:52:47> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Water Sprite], @ [-147.53955078125,-2.324355840683,346.36450195313]"
5:52:48> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Water Sprite], @ [-147.53955078125,-2.324355840683,346.36450195313]"
5:52:48> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.89 < 1)"
5:52:49> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.74 < 1)"
5:52:49> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Water Sprite], @ [-147.53955078125,-2.324355840683,346.36450195313]"
5:52:51> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Water Sprite], @ [-147.53955078125,-2.324355840683,346.36450195313]"
5:53:0> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:1> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:2> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:3> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:4> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:5> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:53:7> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:53:12> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:53:16> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
5:53:16> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:17> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:17> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:17> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:17> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:17> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:18> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:18> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:18> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:18> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:18> D = "Picked target in normal block."
5:53:18> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
5:53:18> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:53:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-214,5,350], From [-155,-0,322], MapID [622]"
5:53:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [4]"
5:53:18> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:53:19> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.87 < 1)"
5:53:19> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:19> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (1.04 < 1)"
5:53:21> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:22> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:23> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:24> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest grindable mob. [Chaochu], @ [-213.58056640625,5.4914102554321,350.27075195313]"
5:53:31> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:34> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:35> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:36> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:38> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning nearest aggro mob."
5:53:38> D = "Adding nav obstacle."
5:53:38> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:53:38> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-183,3,348], From [-187,3,337], MapID [622]"
5:53:38> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [2]"
5:53:38> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:53:38> D = "Adding avoidance task."
5:53:40> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.95 < 1)"
5:53:40> D = "[Navigation] - Path end reached."
5:53:44> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:53:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Need to build a new path, no current goal [MOVETO1]."
5:53:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-186,3,338], From [-183,3,348], MapID [622]"
5:53:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [2]"
5:53:46> D = "[NAVIGATION: Started pathing [MOVETO3]."
5:53:46> D = "Adding avoidance task."
5:53:48> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.74 < 1)"
5:53:48> D = "[Navigation] - Path end reached."
5:53:54> D = "[GetNearestGrindAttackable]: Returning lowest low-HP aggro mob."
5:53:55> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
5:53:55> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hook, Like, and Stinker]"
5:53:55> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:55> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hook, Like, and Stinker,id=1265,completion=1,pos=62.423881530762,49.900405883789,-388.61819458008"
5:53:55> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hook, Like, and Stinker]"
5:53:55> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:53:55> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hook, Like, and Stinker,id=1265,completion=1,pos=62.423881530762,49.900405883789,-388.61819458008"
5:53:55> D = "[FateRandomDelay]: Delay does not apply, completion is too high."
5:53:56> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-186,3,338], MapID [622]"
5:53:56> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:1> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-186,3,338], MapID [622]"
5:54:1> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:2> D = "[WalkToPos]: Pathing was started."
5:54:4> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-184,3,325], MapID [622]"
5:54:4> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:5> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hook, Like, and Stinker]"
5:54:5> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:54:5> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hook, Like, and Stinker,id=1265,completion=2,pos=62.423881530762,49.900405883789,-388.61819458008"
5:54:7> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-178,4,288], MapID [622]"
5:54:7> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:8> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.26 < 1)"
5:54:10> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-164,5,255], MapID [622]"
5:54:10> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-149,2,229], MapID [622]"
5:54:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:15> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Hook, Like, and Stinker]"
5:54:15> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Found a path to fate [Rock for Food]"
5:54:15> D = "[GetClosestFate] - Nearest Fate details: Name=Hook, Like, and Stinker,id=1265,completion=2,pos=62.423881530762,49.900405883789,-388.61819458008"
5:54:16> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [62,50,-389], From [-137,2,208], MapID [622]"
5:54:16> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [18]"
5:54:17> D = "[Navigation] - Cube Node reached. (1.27 < 5)"
5:54:17> D = "[Navigation]: Next node is not a flying node."
5:54:17> D = "[Navigation]: Next next node is also not a flying node."
5:54:17> D = "[Navigation] - Landing..."