Mantis King / Gavial (not in DB)
Prince of Pestilence (ARR) - Not in DB.
Updated: 1.8.1
- Now support EN/DE/FR/JA clients
- Added ARR Fates for Mantis King and Gavial (thanks lanceangel)
- Added ARR Fate for Prince of Pestilence (thanks dgcool)
I believe the location for Daddy Longlegs is wrong. The bot is taking me to Southern Thanalan (32.2, 18.8), but the hunt is actually in Western Thanalan (14, 7). I waited around an hour in the wrong location before losing my patience.
Updated: 1.8.2
- Fixed ARR Fate for Daddy Longlegs (thanks N30-B4k4)
N30-B4k4, I'm sorry for that :(
still says Gavial not in DB
Updated: 1.8.3
- Fixed ARR Fate for Gavial...again...sorry (thanks lanceangel)
Updated: 1.8.4
- Trying to prevent stuck on aggro enemy when current hunt is done