i am unable to make collectable craft works.... i tried to write the name and set the profile in different way but not even a time it worked... someone can visually explain what i have to do? or help me finding out what i do wrong...
Post your settings - crafting mode - collectables - if you copy the name from the store of rowena you have to be sure that there is no space behind the word.
Atm there is a bug with crafting, so its not sure thats your mistake.
HQ/NQ Bug. We talked about it the last days, maybe its now fixed.
Yesterday i couldn't craft collectables. Only if i start the craft manuell and after reload lua it was possible.
and someone described that bug yesterday
(10-17-2017, 12:54 AM)killboi Wrote: [ -> ]Something is not right....
So the profile worked fine ever since you released it.
Today, I tried it and noticed the profile doesnt work, and when I checked the profile skills it is empty.
If I go into the folder and copy and paste the profile over it and reload Minion then it will show up, but IF i change jobs then the same issue will happen (the profile skills gets empty)
I know there is a hq item usage issue but thats all i know about.
I craftet yesterday like 20 alamiganfibers, alot of precrafts etc with just one problem.
He didentcraftet a neckless he wantet to perma quicksynt it so i restartet everything and same problem.
So i swap to an other crafter, craftet an diffrent item with bot and tryed my braclett again. and it worked.
Try crafting single items via quick start, Crafting orders seem to break often
It also happens in quick mode. Looks random - today it didn't start collectables for M'mnago but the crafts for Zhloe worked fine.
Can someone direct me to a guide on how to use Crafting Collectable? i can't seem to get it to work. I select the item that i want it to craft, i make sure i type it in right, select my skill profile. only way i get it to start crafting is by manually select the crafting item, then it would use the skill profile but even after that, it doesnt accept the item as collectabable but just a normal item. Thank you in advance.
did u add the item to the collectables list?