Hey guys, I noticed that whenever I use the bot, the AFK feature doesn't work at all. When I try logging back in without the bot, it works perfectly fine. Is there some kind of option for me to enable/disable AFK or is that part of the normal function of the bot? I've been trying to look all over the settings for an AFK enable/disable option and I can't seem to find it.
I am not sure that i understand you, but you should disable the afk (chair icon) while running the bot, because you will get the afk flag for sure with the bot.
System Configuration - Other Settings - Auto-AFK SEttings - turn to off
What I'm trying to say is how come the AFK feature on the game doesn't activate even if I don't have anything running on the bot. For example, I would sometimes leave the game on idle and it will never go on AFK mode if I'm on assist mode. The problem with that is it doesn't automatically switch to AFK mode and people from my friends list or FC would sometimes contact me saying that I'm online when in fact I'm away from the keyboard.
what setting do you have the game set to in the afk option
System Configuration - Other Settings - Auto-AFK SEtting
alternatly just type /afk
Right now I have the auto AFK settings at 5 min.