(05-26-2020, 02:36 PM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ] (05-26-2020, 02:21 PM)Hereforffxiv Wrote: [ -> ]mining stopped working at level 52.
I would suggest doing story to unlock heavensward zones
hey, i tried manually accepting quests then turning it back on and it works perfectly, so the quests are doable the character but doesnt move to accept them.
I recently purchased the 1-80 Class Quest. Is there a way to change the map location of fates after level 75? It stays at Il Mheg. Or is this optimal location for this?
you can alter the grind mode autogrind settings.
@sebbs is there anyway for this profile unlock all the level 1 class quests in the various cities? Or is there an alternative way to do what I'm hoping for?
Second Quest of the Samurai...
My guy starts off under Quest Mode ok... he selects the target, runs up to Master Musoai,
proceeds to land maybe five or six combos. then nothing, he proceeds to whack at him with
a few auto hits, maybe 10.... then he starts his combo again, and locks up the game. I get an
error message saying the game is non-responsive.
Just ran all my tanks, bard, and monk to 80 using the Quest Feature without any trouble.
Sounds like a bad skill profile, but the quest profile itself wouldn't make the game crash like that.
Possibly talk to one of the minion developers and see if its reproducible issue for them they can check.
there was a profile on the forums at one point check there.
(06-18-2020, 11:13 PM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.mmominion.com/thread-16668.html
Sounds like a bad skill profile, but the quest profile itself wouldn't make the game crash like that.
Possibly talk to one of the minion developers and see if its reproducible issue for them they can check.
It locks both the game and the MMOMinion and I can't get a log on it. I have since switched to BlackMage and it runs flawlessly. It seems to just be an issue with Samurai. Now, I did install the ArcPack Demo for all skillprofiles. The Demo/Trial has ended, and all other classes no longer show the HUD options for the SkillProfile. However Samurai still does. I may have to uninstall the MMOMinion itself and re-install it again. Like I said, Prior to this, I ran all four Tanks, Bard, Monk, and Dancer without a problem and now running Blackmage without issue. but I went back to Samurai and bam... Crashed again.