Ace will need to check vendoring stuff
At first I thought I was just having an issue with the Bard , However I decided to try the Roque instead... Well I keep running into Buffer Overflows , Minion locking up ect. ATM Bot Mode - Quest Skill - Bard/Roque Profile 1-70 Class Quests , Advanced Have Use Sprint , mount , Company Chocobo , Disable Vendoring and all other settings normal/stock. Roque is having issues Level 9 - 10 and Bard/Archer In the 25 - 27 range.
Delete your Lua mods folder and only install class pack again.
You probably have a bad add-on.
Wont be caused by class pack though.
Hope you get it sorted.
I think there's a bug where it's trying to take me through a wall. Ends up just standing there jumping. I think it's trying to go somewhere to purchase vendor gyhsal greens. Please assist.
![[Image: L9plm]](
nav isnt a profile issue
and pic didnt work
(02-08-2018, 09:07 AM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ]Ace will need to check vendoring stuff
any news on this? its the only thing stopping the profile from being fully automated
Not currently.
I know new database gather stuff is being worked on.
not sure what your asking.