I'm trying to level up some crafters and when I use the 2 Skill Complete profile to do higher quality items it will operate normally at first, but after it does the first actual synthesis step it just stops and I have to manually finish the craft. I've tried with both Goldsmith and Leatherworker and get the same issue with both.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong since I'm still figuring this stuff out, but I'm wanting to do the full rotation no matter if it takes one synthesis step or 2-3-4. Any help would be appreciated.
after the update SE did to crafting you'll need to make new skillprofiles and some moves have to be added in for every job ie: Innovation skill is specific to the job so has to be added to the profile for each job
(11-02-2019, 11:27 AM)kidz14 Wrote: [ -> ]after the update SE did to crafting you'll need to make new skillprofiles and some moves have to be added in for every job ie: Innovation skill is specific to the job so has to be added to the profile for each job
That's what I was afraid of. I didn't really want to have to learn the different crafters so making my own profiles is probably out. I just don't want to put that much time into that part of the game. Hopefully someone will do us all a kindness and put up new profiles
if you wait long enough ppl will always put out free ones, however the store addons do get updated much quicker seeing how ppl are actually paying extra for em. myself i just use crafting simulators online to create decent rotations and then i'll make a super simple crafting skillprofile based on it simply using only the step conditions.
https://ffxivteamcraft.com/ is a great site to test rotations or looking into other rotations ppl have already created. You could also attempt posting a request for a profile be made with your crafters info such as Lv, craftsmanship, control, and cp in the "MMOMinion > FFXIVMinion > [DOWNLOADS] Addons, Lua Modules, Navigation Meshes.. > SkillManager Profiles > Disciples of The Hand Profiles" section.
just use the craft beta acr.