02-15-2020, 07:22 AM
This is a skill profile for SMN for 5.35 and beyond. I originally made this for myself but I am now sharing it with you guys.
Should work for any level SMN. I haven't been able to test for low level SMN but shadowm891 said the profile was working at level 34.
Works with all pets. To select pet in skill filters, toggle pet type to choose between Titan or Garuda. Check Ifrit to choose Ifrit.
This is based on the default SMN profile but it is heavily modified.
I decided to heavily modify it when I noticed the default SMN profile was not very good. What really broke it for me was how abysmal the AOE was. Also weird things like casting Misama twice in a row and not casting half the spells. Or at times just not casting anything at all
Some things that were changed.
1. Many skills were simply not working, usually due to some parameters that needed to be tweaked.
2. Skills were missing. Outburst was completely missing. Pet actions were missing which led to Ruin IV being unusable. Aetherpact was missing
3. Some really odd interactions. Example: SMN spends mana very quickly so it would solve it by not casting anything below a certain level of mana (i think it was set at 6000 mana?) I added Lucid Dreaming and removed the limit to solve this.
There are still things that could be improved, but I'm happy with the current state.
Would love some feedback on the bot.
Go to your MinionAPP folder and go to: MINIONAPP -> Bots -> FFXIVMinion64 -> LuaMods -> ffxivminiion -> SkillManagerProfiles
Then copy and paste the .lua file into it. Just in case I would make a copy of the original Summoner_SHB.lua file.
Go into game and launch the bot. Go to main task and select "what_summoner" as your profile. If bot is already running just use the Reload LUA option.
5.35: Continues to work for 5.35. Small flex but this profile was able to beat the e8s Sea Stone Sky dummy
Should work for any level SMN. I haven't been able to test for low level SMN but shadowm891 said the profile was working at level 34.
Works with all pets. To select pet in skill filters, toggle pet type to choose between Titan or Garuda. Check Ifrit to choose Ifrit.
This is based on the default SMN profile but it is heavily modified.
I decided to heavily modify it when I noticed the default SMN profile was not very good. What really broke it for me was how abysmal the AOE was. Also weird things like casting Misama twice in a row and not casting half the spells. Or at times just not casting anything at all
Some things that were changed.
1. Many skills were simply not working, usually due to some parameters that needed to be tweaked.
2. Skills were missing. Outburst was completely missing. Pet actions were missing which led to Ruin IV being unusable. Aetherpact was missing
3. Some really odd interactions. Example: SMN spends mana very quickly so it would solve it by not casting anything below a certain level of mana (i think it was set at 6000 mana?) I added Lucid Dreaming and removed the limit to solve this.
There are still things that could be improved, but I'm happy with the current state.
Would love some feedback on the bot.
Go to your MinionAPP folder and go to: MINIONAPP -> Bots -> FFXIVMinion64 -> LuaMods -> ffxivminiion -> SkillManagerProfiles
Then copy and paste the .lua file into it. Just in case I would make a copy of the original Summoner_SHB.lua file.
Go into game and launch the bot. Go to main task and select "what_summoner" as your profile. If bot is already running just use the Reload LUA option.
5.35: Continues to work for 5.35. Small flex but this profile was able to beat the e8s Sea Stone Sky dummy