
Full Version: How level up 61-71 works?
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<p>Hello I'm new here. Recently I lost my old account and I want to level up my new account to max level fast as possible. I learn about mmominion and I want help about leveling up at Heaven on High.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>How this leveling works? I can't do it solo? And works with any classes? I need a lot of aetherpool to do that? And It's a afk farm? Because I want to let my character doing this when I sleep or something.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Can I use this bot to do fates in bozja to leveling up to 71-80?&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Thanks for the help.&nbsp;</p>
Yes you can leave your minion doing Deep Dungeons solo, however leaving your bot unattended is never a good idea. If someone sees your bot acting sus and gets people to report then it's byebye for you.

The bot can solo potd and hoh pretty well, but it does still die at times. If it dies it will automatically reset the save for you.
@sprunki modded, Thank a lot.