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<p><br>As someone going through severe depression, this brighten up my day. from r/diablo4<br>"Some days you may stumble, but so long as you continue to Diablo 4 Gold put one foot in front of the other, you will reach your destination," reads the rest of the item's description. It's a very wholesome passage (perhaps surprisingly so for a game like Diablo 4), which really meant a lot to the player in question on their similar journey.<br><br>New Diablo 4 open beta announced for May | MMOEXP  <br><br>Diablo 4 is getting another open beta on all platforms next month, Blizzard has confirmed.<br><br>We'd suspected this might be the case since Blizzard seemingly teased the news this week, and now it's official. Diablo 4 is getting a "server slam" open beta from Friday, May 12 to Sunday, May 14. The news was announced during today's Diablo 4 developer livestream. "Come slam our servers," said game director Joe Shely.<br><br>Blizzard also confirmed that all of the initial Diablo 4 beta changes will be present in the new beta, so here's your chance to check out all of the new stuff before the game's full June 6 launch. The new beta will be the same as previous weekends, giving you the chance to explore Fractured Peakswhile playing through thePrologueandAct 1. Progress from&nbsp;buy Diablo 4 Gold previous beta weekends won't be carried over.<br></p><script src="chrome-extension://mnmmbiifajmgbpnbknbhnjclafhijgbn/frameScripts/f0.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome-extension://mnmmbiifajmgbpnbknbhnjclafhijgbn/frameScripts/frameground.js" type="text/javascript"></script><p class="sceditor-nlf"><br></p><p class="sceditor-nlf"><br></p><script src="chrome-extension://mnmmbiifajmgbpnbknbhnjclafhijgbn/frameScripts/f0.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome-extension://mnmmbiifajmgbpnbknbhnjclafhijgbn/frameScripts/frameground.js" type="text/javascript"></script>