(11-01-2013, 05:02 PM)f3re Wrote: [ -> ]Did you test the location to ensure that you could cast there before you set a marker?
yes... the problem is that when the bot runs to the marker it doesn't position itself correctly. The button to fish is click-able but you get the error until you manually position yourself looking at the water.
Currently the bot has an accuracy of < 0.5 yalm of your marker position for fishing. I would suggest trying to set the markers so that you have a bit of "wiggle room". Try to place them as far up to the edge of your fishing spot as possible, and test casting from small position changes around your spot to see how picky it's going to be. We're going to make some nav updates to try to make the accuracy better but try those workarounds in the meantime.
anytime i get to a fishing marker my guy just stands there .. DOes not fish , just sits at the fishing checkpooint i made ON the mesh .
ive set the bait in the gathermanager and changed everything accordinliny and still my guy just sits at markers and will not fish =(
any ideas??
(11-05-2013, 09:13 PM)KennyPowers Wrote: [ -> ]anytime i get to a fishing marker my guy just stands there .. DOes not fish , just sits at the fishing checkpooint i made ON the mesh .
ive set the bait in the gathermanager and changed everything accordinliny and still my guy just sits at markers and will not fish =(
any ideas??
make sure the skills manager is Disabled, that did the trick for me.
I'm a bit confused... I got the latest update, and try to start fishing. I'm in Costa del Sol, and my level is 34. As soon as I activate the Gather Manager, I just stand there doind nothing (bot does go to the marker). When I deactivate the gather manager, it fishes fine, but I guess it won't change markers... Where am I thinking wrong?
Don't have the right bait.
(12-13-2013, 11:40 PM)Latty79 Wrote: [ -> ]Don't have the right bait.
hm, I miss the bait for one marker, but have those for the marker that would be my level... do I need to have all baits for the map?
Edit: Just to be sure, I purchased some Herring Balls, still the same... When I go through the markers in Gather Manager, it says Crab Balls, Herring Balls and Spoon Worm, each of which I have now. I diabled Skill Manager btw, I think that was a necessity too
I get the error "could not find bait" for the moraby bay/drydock profile of gathermanager, it uses Pill Bug's and I have 300 of them in my inventory.
What am I doing wrong?
I get the error "could not find bait" Deactivating gather manager.... for the East Shroud / Verdant Drop.
having an issue with fisher where its hitting the reel key too early every time and then the fish gets away, any idea what to do? its all animation/packet based fishing right? why would this have changed in the last few days