10-02-2013, 09:22 PM
FFXIVMinion contains full support for Fate grinding as well as regular mob grinding. This tutorial will explain how the bot behaves when in "Grind" mode and how to properly setup and customize grinding behavior. This tutorial assumes that the user has already created a proper nav mesh and is familiar with the process of creating mesh markers; if that is not the case, please see the appropriate tutorials before continuing further with grinding setup.
Grinding Options
![[Image: ywJUblS.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ywJUblS.png)
The "Grind" group contains the following settings:
Resting, Fleeing, and Death
The bot contains logic to avoid death by resting to full health when it is not engaged in combat and hp is below 70% and fleeing to its evac point when it is engaged in combat and hp is below 50%. These values will be adjusted as more testing occurs and may be exposed to the user for customization. Death in 'Grind' mode will result in the bot respawning at its current home point; due to this, you should consider meshing the respawn point in your map (and selecting it as your current home point) and meshing a path from the respawn point to your grind markers. This will ensure that the bot will respawn and continue to function if it dies.
Combat logic for the bot is handled by either custom combat routines written in lua and located in the /LuaMods/ffxivminion/class_routines/ folder or by the SkillManager which can be accessed and customized directly in the FFXIVMinion user interface in game. Writing a combat routine by hand gives the user full control over the combat logic using the same LUA api we use to write the rest of the behavior framework but requires programming knowledge and understanding of the LUA interpreter and environment. The SkillManager provides an easy GUI setup of a priority based combat routine with a wide range of conditions to choose from for each skill and can be used by almost any user with a general understanding of the game and job. SkillManager profiles can also be created and passed between users. See the SkillManager tutorial (when available) for more information.
Beta Considerations
The current logic for resting and fleeing combat are fairly crude and can easily result in bot death if the user is not careful to mesh/mark safe areas for grinding. It is also important to setup an evac point so that the bot has some place to run to if in danger of death; the evac point will be saved with the mesh.info file and reloaded along with the mesh. We are in the process of creating an automated solution for fleeing combat that requires no setup by the user to perform optimally.
Duty Mobs
Currently the bot cannot detect mobs which belong to another players duty resulting in the bot attacking these mobs even though it cannot harm them. Generally this is not a crippling issue because the mob will die and the bot will continue to function properly but it is recommended to avoid meshing/marking areas where duty mob spawn is common to avoid the issue altogether if possible.
Fate Limitations
The bot currently contains no logic to complete fates other than killing mobs which are spawned by the fate. The underlying functionality to turn in fate items is already in place but has not been exposed/scripted via the AI framework yet. The bot also has no ability to determine when a fate spawns a single boss mob so it will attempt to fight the boss mob by itself if no other players are available. Consider carefully which fates you mesh when setting up your bot.
It's a BETA
Remember that it's a beta and we do not recommended botting AFK for long periods of time, particularly in grind mode due to the potential for bugs that result in (digital) death. Watch your bot carefully to ensure that the fates/mobs/markers on your mesh are working properly, your combat routine is functioning, and that the bot is fleeing/resting when appropriate.
Grinding Options
![[Image: ywJUblS.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ywJUblS.png)
The "Grind" group contains the following settings:
- Do Fates: This setting determines whether the bot will detect fates that spawn on the nav mesh and attempt to complete them.
- Fates Only: Enabling this setting will make the bot only engage in fate grinding and not attack any mobs who are not attached to the currrent fate. When no fate is available, it will return to your "evac point" if you have one set or simply remain at the location of the last completed fate.
- Max Fate Lvl: This setting determines the maximum fate level that your bot will attempt to complete. It is relative to your current job level.
- Min Fate Lvl: This setting determines the minimum level of fate that the bot will attempt to complete. It is relative to your current job level.
- Set Evac Point: This sets a mesh position where the bot will attempt to flee to if its health drops below 50% with current mob aggro. It also determines where the bot will return to 'wait' for fates if you have selected "Fates Only".
- Ignore Marker Lvl: If you have disabled "Fates Only" then the bot will attempt to grind regular mobs while waiting for fates to spawn. By enabling this setting it will go to any grind marker on the map regardless of level; by disabling it (default) you force the bot to only grind near markers +/- 5 levels of the current job level.
Resting, Fleeing, and Death
The bot contains logic to avoid death by resting to full health when it is not engaged in combat and hp is below 70% and fleeing to its evac point when it is engaged in combat and hp is below 50%. These values will be adjusted as more testing occurs and may be exposed to the user for customization. Death in 'Grind' mode will result in the bot respawning at its current home point; due to this, you should consider meshing the respawn point in your map (and selecting it as your current home point) and meshing a path from the respawn point to your grind markers. This will ensure that the bot will respawn and continue to function if it dies.
Combat logic for the bot is handled by either custom combat routines written in lua and located in the /LuaMods/ffxivminion/class_routines/ folder or by the SkillManager which can be accessed and customized directly in the FFXIVMinion user interface in game. Writing a combat routine by hand gives the user full control over the combat logic using the same LUA api we use to write the rest of the behavior framework but requires programming knowledge and understanding of the LUA interpreter and environment. The SkillManager provides an easy GUI setup of a priority based combat routine with a wide range of conditions to choose from for each skill and can be used by almost any user with a general understanding of the game and job. SkillManager profiles can also be created and passed between users. See the SkillManager tutorial (when available) for more information.
Beta Considerations
The current logic for resting and fleeing combat are fairly crude and can easily result in bot death if the user is not careful to mesh/mark safe areas for grinding. It is also important to setup an evac point so that the bot has some place to run to if in danger of death; the evac point will be saved with the mesh.info file and reloaded along with the mesh. We are in the process of creating an automated solution for fleeing combat that requires no setup by the user to perform optimally.
Duty Mobs
Currently the bot cannot detect mobs which belong to another players duty resulting in the bot attacking these mobs even though it cannot harm them. Generally this is not a crippling issue because the mob will die and the bot will continue to function properly but it is recommended to avoid meshing/marking areas where duty mob spawn is common to avoid the issue altogether if possible.
Fate Limitations
The bot currently contains no logic to complete fates other than killing mobs which are spawned by the fate. The underlying functionality to turn in fate items is already in place but has not been exposed/scripted via the AI framework yet. The bot also has no ability to determine when a fate spawns a single boss mob so it will attempt to fight the boss mob by itself if no other players are available. Consider carefully which fates you mesh when setting up your bot.
It's a BETA
Remember that it's a beta and we do not recommended botting AFK for long periods of time, particularly in grind mode due to the potential for bugs that result in (digital) death. Watch your bot carefully to ensure that the fates/mobs/markers on your mesh are working properly, your combat routine is functioning, and that the bot is fleeing/resting when appropriate.