Okay So I'm completely new to coding and I've been doing some reading. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to find the ID of a skill to use. I've read some pages on the wiki but I guess I don't understand how to go about doing it. Can anyone explain further?
(10-16-2013, 02:57 AM)GetsugaTenshouX Wrote: [ -> ]Okay So I'm completely new to coding and I've been doing some reading. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to find the ID of a skill to use. I've read some pages on the wiki but I guess I don't understand how to go about doing it. Can anyone explain further?
Seeing how im on my phone i wont be too much of a help, but if you go into skillmanager, refresh your skills, add it to the profile and then click on it to edit, it will show the id of the skill, also another way would be going into the dev and checking that out too.
There it is! :P Thanks alot haha, I was trying to find it all through the dev :3
Also went back to try to through dev and I finally noticed that Toggle button at the bottom that made it all finally make sense :D
(10-16-2013, 08:20 AM)HansW Wrote: [ -> ]you can use the ids in the urls of xivdb.com (http://xivdb.com/?skill/22/Bulwark) , 22 being the skill id of bulwark
This works great too! Thanks for the help guys