Bot seems to randomly attempt to kill any mob regardless of what maxmoblvl i set. (generally results in death lol)
Again, it's currentlevel + x, so being 20, with it set to 23 means up to 43.
Is that "Working as intended"?
If so say im lvl 20, how do i set it to attack mobs no higher than 22 for example?
P.S Beta is awesome guys ^^ great job.
in grind option set +2 lvl range 20+2=22 =)
(10-19-2013, 06:36 PM)z0mg Wrote: [ -> ]Again, it's currentlevel + x, so being 20, with it set to 23 means up to 43.
The max is 10+ or 10-
Makes it hard to farm with a level 50. If you manually input anything higher than 10 it snaps back to 0 when you hit startstop.
And as i explained before....
I had it set to lvl+(x) (think it was lvl 11+(3)
And it still randomly attacked lvl 17 mobs in the area