I made a little module for the Arcanist. It has some flaws still, the check for the pet sees it too late, so it casts it 2-3 times. Also it doesn't detect if you're mounted, if you are, it will spam the skill (couldn't find a check for that yet)
It casts only if you're not moving, but beware, currently there's no check if you are a Arcanist, and if the skill ID you enter really is a summoning skill. I just checks if you're moving and if you have a pet out, if not, it casts the ID that is set.
I just tested this with my Arcanist, I hope it works for Summoner too...
Edit: attached version 1.01
This checks if you're either arcanist or summoner, and the mount-check is included. It also checks if you got enough MP to cast.
That's the line of code you looking for.
something like
if not Player.ismounted than
should work.
(10-30-2013, 06:14 AM)wildicedemon Wrote: [ -> ]Player.ismounted
cool, where did you find that? The wiki doesn't mention it...
looking for some Commands in the mminion lua files ;)
SummonskillIDs are
Familiar I = 165
Familiar II = 170
Familiar III = 180
Or i am wrong??
check on these 3 skill ids to verify a summon skill
here the JOB ids. Check the player Job to verify the Summoner btw. Arcanist
Global Variables
I'm currently still Arcanist, there it's Summon I and Summon II. I'll try to add Jobchecks this evening, however I probably won't add the specific IDs, as I would have to check for every SkillID if it is available to the player...
You can do something like this:
Global Variable:
ModuleName.SkillLookup = {
["SummonName"] = skillid,
["SummonName"] = skillid,
["SummonName"] = skillid
When making GUI:
GUI_NewComboBox("ModuleName","BoxText","VariableName", "MenuName", "")
local listofskills = ""
for i,e in pairs(ModuleName.SkillLookup) do
listofskills = listofskills ..","..i
VariableName_listitems = listofskills
This will return you the skill id of the selected pet
That way people would be able to just select the desired pet :)
thanks, will take a look at that when I got my Summoner Job to test
(11-01-2013, 12:24 AM)TauTau Wrote: [ -> ]thanks, will take a look at that when I got my Summoner Job to test
You don't need summoner for that, you can do that with anyone really :) Google: Lua Tables for more info :P
summon already works with the bot with out any addons. you just have to set the target as pet and it works.
(11-08-2013, 12:12 AM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]summon already works with the bot with out any addons. you just have to set the target as pet and it works.
dunno, maybe it works now... it didn't when I tested, it always spammed the skill