What setup is Flee HP?
When Rest HP of grind is 70
Even if HP becomes 70 or less, it does not occasionally recover.
Hunting will be continued and it will die...
I have the same problem, tried changing profiles many time created my own even nothing eventually char will die...
Flee HP = your character will run to your evac point when hp falls below this value
Rest HP = your character will stop AFTER KILLING ITS CURRENT MOB and rest to full health when hp falls below this value
You MUST have an evacpoint setup on your mesh in order for the Flee HP/MP to work properly.
(11-09-2013, 05:54 PM)f3re Wrote: [ -> ]Flee HP = your character will run to your evac point when hp falls below this value
Rest HP = your character will stop AFTER KILLING ITS CURRENT MOB and rest to full health when hp falls below this value
You MUST have an evacpoint setup on your mesh in order for the Flee HP/MP to work properly.
I think the main issue is that "Rest HP" is completely messed up at this point. I experience the same exact issue as the above two posters in that my guy will simply not rest maybe 90% of the time.. sometimes he does.
Also, when he DOES rest.. he usually runs up to an agro mob first and then tries to rest.. agro mob agro's, then bot starts fighting again, character dies. Watched this happen quite a bit.
At this point you either grind in non agro areas or you char will most certainly die within about 5 mins of you afking it.
Grind BOT doesn't work exactly still.
Evac Point is operating, But Flee HP doesn't work.
I think that a bug.
i'm having the exact opossit it rests to much... ill be at full hp and Mp and it will rest after a fate even with rest at fates turned off. doesnt do it often but it will be at the rest level say 50% hp it will rest to full but then just stay there for a lot longer. finaly it wil move. but it only happens maybe 1 out of ever 10 + fates