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Hi all, totally new to coding.

Want to make the following.

Any tips?

Heres the logic

1. Is player in party?
2. If no use gysahl greens
3. Sleep module 30mins
4. Repeat 1-3

I think that would work as a auto chocobo re-summoning script.

Now how to make it? :D
Still totally confused and lost :p
here is a small modul
ia have no clou why the count not work ^^

play with it. Add cool stuff
(11-13-2013, 09:39 PM)Shaolin2 Wrote: [ -> ]here is a small modul
ia have no clou why the count not work ^^

play with it. Add cool stuff

You are a legend ^^
Thank you!!

This coding looks like alien language to me... nothing i can do to fix the count im afraid - I took a look and it looked like this to me..

sfdghad thsarth rh ;yetyu02u[65uh jew56 3 356[ iu3576j 37j6 75 6 4
hmmm i put Monday more Comments and Descriptions in the Code.

maybe you know more then ;)