if you all want to full around with dungeon botting, try this out. Full mesh of Haukke Manor
it's a full mesh for the dungeon
it's 100% mesh of the dungeon
(12-07-2013, 10:08 AM)Powder Wrote: [ -> ]Well done
i think they're a lot easier to compile because the areas are very small compared to open world. I have a brayflox as well, that works really good with assist mode. Should I make a new thread for each one or should I make another thread and include all of the ones I make?
put them together in one thread, then make a dropbox so people can DL them or something cause attach limit is small
www.dropbox.com Basicaly you can drop all your .zip files for the meshes in one folder and it will upload that folder to a link any time you add anything to that folder the link is auto updated with the new files and we can download them