he Paladin skillmanager preset skills I dont have some of them, so I need to change class and level them up to get it, what is the best way to level up a level one? set bot in level 1 minions, then 2, then 3? till a certain level then fate? How do you guys do it?
when i level up a second class i just do fate grinds in aleport 1-20
(12-23-2013, 01:46 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]when i level up a second class i just do fate grinds in aleport 1-20
What do you do after 20? One of my characters is 20 atm but it seems since the new update no one is doing fates. Or atleast not when im on(10-11am or 10-11pm)
1-20 aleport 20-30 quarry mill 30-35 costa de sol 35-45 camp dragon head 45-50 processing plant.
Thanks, so bout the same as what I do. Have you run into any troubles finding people doing fates like I have?
nope none at all because i run my own group of bots lol
Well not everyone has a good enough PC for that ;; /jelly
you can just solo fates, I'm sure its better than doing nothing. Even if you fail a fate you get xp.
its less about failing and more about you keep running to your death cause no one else in the zone is fate grinding.