Looking to learn/do some tele / dungeons but only 1 account.
Thankkksss :D
i'm on balmung as well, 1 account. anyone else out there?
you three should xfer to goblin and we could dive right into extreme primals and coil =)
Balmung here also 1 account
2 accounts here, and i have a friend that would also go. Just primalsx. no coils/myth farming. Balmung.
We created an LS so its easier to catch whoever is on and get runs quickly. Send me a PM with your name and I'll get you added.
been running primals a couple times a week and when we don't it's because we are short 1 or 2,
lf a few more players on balmung!!!
could always xfer over to goblin and have runs anytime of the day.