For some reason the bot is running to the other side of the map to get gathering nodes that are nowhere near the marker I set. Is there any way to stop this?
go to
and learn how to remove/add mesh and markers.
i make sure theres no present profile then clear mesh and then create my own mesh if you want to use the default worldmesh and not run to any markers but your new added one go to meshmanager and go to markers and go to dropdown and delete all other markers of all sort
(01-10-2014, 01:30 PM)eewf Wrote: [ -> ]go to
and learn how to remove/add mesh and markers.
i make sure theres no present profile then clear mesh and then create my own mesh if you want to use the default worldmesh and not run to any markers but your new added one go to meshmanager and go to markers and go to dropdown and delete all other markers of all sort
what i think he is saying, if you do not want to use the 100% meshes, its better to make your own small mesh for the specific thing you are gathering and place only 1 marker in that area. or you can use the 100% meshes and just delete the other makers you do not want to use.
For me what i do is just set the marker time to 0 so that i never leave the marker. Always start the bot close to the maker you want to gather from.
(01-10-2014, 08:13 AM)Drummerthing Wrote: [ -> ]For some reason the bot is running to the other side of the map to get gathering nodes that are nowhere near the marker I set. Is there any way to stop this?
when you "select" a Marker in Mesh manager or gather manager it doesn't mean you only gather that marker. What markers are gathered is selected by various options like "Ignore Marker Level" and the Levels set on the Marker itself.
I usually set my marker to "Mining 20" for example, but still the bot will run cross country around the map and then run back, mine a node or two, and then run around the map again. D:
yes if you have ignore level it will just choose a marker to start at randomly and stay there till the timer is up. I found if i start the bot next to the marker i want to farm from and then put the time to 0 it will stay at that marker and harvest and not move to a different marker.