
Full Version: [Module] Ice V 0.11
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No this is the only one I use, here hold on ill PM ya tell you the spot see if it happens to you too

Yeah, so farming them lets say its in a line like 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 It kills them in order gets to 4 then wont loop back to 1, but if I manually run towards 1, when it gets into a certain distance it will take over and run to it and kill it. So it IS spawned, its just not recognizing it as being there make sense?
I know that... while grinding, the bot takes you away from your starting position, then there are mobs again where you started, but these are out of range now. However, when you wait a bit, the ones where you are standing now will respawn, and in the same way it took you away from your starting position, it will take you back.
What I didn't try is using an evac point, you could set that in the middle of the spawn position, but I think evac point only works with fates?
Will see, all I need to do is hit set evac point right?
(01-14-2014, 09:15 AM)gotlife1552 Wrote: [ -> ]Will see, all I need to do is hit set evac point right?

if it works, yup... otherwise it just sets the evac point for fate mode.
Yeah doesn't work, and the way the mob are laid out, it gets stuck on the last 2... waaaah!
so it doesn't return far enough to get the other ones? That's bad... takes longer then... Maybe something to think about adding to the module... an evac point...
The Bot should find any monster in range which is something along the lines of 200 yalms I'll do some testing when I get a chance and see if I can replicate the issue.
(01-14-2014, 09:46 AM)wildicedemon Wrote: [ -> ]The Bot should find any monster in range which is something along the lines of 200 yalms I'll do some testing when I get a chance and see if I can replicate the issue.

you can test at Little Ala Mhigo, the Peistes just outside. It will take you quite a bit away, but in my case sometimes it took me back to the starting point. Depends on spawn points and position of bot.
just move your grind marker more in the middle of the mobs.
(01-14-2014, 11:35 AM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]just move your grind marker more in the middle of the mobs.

with Specific hunting I don't even use a marker...
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