
Full Version: Using Grind bot to farm Apkallu eggs
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So I set a grind marker right slap in the middle of the 5 sets of Apkallu but the bot just sits ontop of the marker and kills the apkallu's that spawn ontop of it. How do I make it move around the entire apkallu spawn area? It's not that big. Also I'd like to target Apkallu only.
I as well would really like to know this. I have been actually working on this a bit today.
Not only would it be useful to know for farming specific mobs but it'd be good to set up grind profiles for your fate grinder to farm in between fates. currently i think the grind bot in between fates just sits at your evac point and fights mobs.
its super easy.... lol just mesh the area that they are at. I have my mesh just down on the 2 lower spawns. then i put my grind marker between them. I make sure my mesh doesnt hit the rocks up top so that i dont get any stuck issues. Start the bot and it will grind the two spawn points. Also make sure to Blist the fate mobs and the wind mobs.

to grind between fates you must drop grind markers on the mesh in the area you want to grind mobs.
Did you make a nav mesh for said grind marker and does ur guy kill them fast enough to result in movinf or can he sit there ans kill and they spawn before u killed all the rest arou d u
What I do is make a brand new mesh, record the area of the mobs, then start it. Get specific hunting mod and put in ID of mob.
So you can't do it unless you use a new mesh? I'm use the meshes that are built in with the bot. So technically the area is already meshed.. that's where I'm confused.
oh ya you can use hte 100% mesh. Just drop the Grind marker in the middle of the whole area then. It will run around and kill the mobs near that marker. Just make sure you Blist any mobs that you dont want to attack with the Blist manager that comes with the bot. you do not need Specific hunter mod. The grind marker just needs to be on the mesh and near hte mobs you want to fight.