LFM for WP/ Coil farming have 3 so far, 1 more for WP 5 more for coil.. PM me please! Using minion teleport, thanks!
bump at 5, need 3 more to begin coil farms PM me
more people please we are tearing shit up on excalibur!
room for 3 more farming primals and coils excalibur
I'd be interested in turn 5. I have gotlife's #, will text when I'm home.
Well to do turn 5 u need to do 1-4 with us to
still looking for more on Excalibur farming primals and coils!
I'm game for primals, if you're still wanting more
i'm on Excalibur and is 3 of us that can tele farm. Looking for more to tele farm Titan Ex mainly but can do other primals and possibly coil. PM me