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i could of swore the soliders stoneskin was a physical dmg reduction just like knights are magic dmg reflector but in either way when i go to farm turn 4 i'll be using 7 bards and a healer lol!
(03-05-2014, 06:30 PM)dirin Wrote: [ -> ] (03-05-2014, 12:58 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]no you do not make your own folder. They go in the waypoint folder that comes with the bot and with the dev TP.
Thanks for the explanation jackie! :) This is frustratingly confusing for me and it should not be. My installation Does not have a waypoints folder in Dev. In Lua Modules while in game under Dev TP, there is nothing relevant to Waypoints there either. I created a folder called Waypoints, and put them there, but I am still not finding any of these after putting the lua in the newly created Waypoints folder. :)
Where is the custom waypoints tutorial on this site? I'm not finding anything that can walk me through this process. I see several comments in this thread of people having issues getting it to work, but then edit their post saying they figured it out, but not HOW they figured it out.
This is my Dev Folder. No Waypoints.
![[Image: au6xog.png]](
The Minion never installed essentially to it's own folder, after you extract it, and update it, that's where i've been running it. That is the way it says to install Minion in the installation guide post.
This is my in game Minion
![[Image: tao2g0.png]](
no profiles show in Duty, nothing in Dev TP, where should I be looking? And what have others been doing to install this? I'm so confused...
I'm having the exact same problem, I followed the directions as per the download instructions, deleted and re-downloaded same problem. Ive gone into the Dev TP program itself and can move my character around with out any issue. I don't really need the co-ordinates to find a safe spot but if somebody would be able to PM a description of the area they use as there safe spots (Specifically T5) I could save the profile myself.
Thank You
just create a folder called waypoint in that folder location. and put all your folders in there. make sure you do not have maha teleporter.
Looking forward to some new coil waypoints :)
looking forward to brayflox hm - halatali seems shit to telefarm .. new coils are floating around here somewhere Iceman
i wont be making scripts for HM dungeons probably. I do not have accounts with the story completed anymore. I just farm gil.
where to farm gillzz? XD well i finished all the stories on all characters... tedious but yeh O_O
im floating around maybe doing brayflox or halatli but it hasnt been decided yet. Give me a week or so to get some things in order and I might drop a profile if it looks nice. Idk if it'll be mob/or boss farming though.
Anyone tried to solo t6 or ex levi/king mog? I tried to do t6 but not sure if i was too low or not. he was able to swing on me and cast his draw ability
T6, 7 and 8 afaik are Tele-able.
Levi Ex is not - he's designed not to be.. no info for moogle, yet.
may try myself on brayflox, halatali isnt needed since its event triggered - needs to many pulls at all
*may you tell e about gil's jackie? would really like to hear how to, we're 4 guys each with an own acc, what could we get in maximum?*
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