Also wanting to say it here, I'm looking for somebody to start some Duty Farming at Cerberus (Chaos - EU).
PM Me or answer here, again, no character data please.
Are you interested in pos transferring were n.a. server but have euro players looking to expand
If you transfer, sure :D
Won't spend 13 Bucks to leave my friends, + my girlfriend, where they actually are.. Maybe I could Level up a Blackmage at your Server, or at least a Summoner (easier to solo-fate).
PN me your ingame-nick I'll whisper you Ingame, soon.
But beware - I may switch Servers in 1 or 2 months Maximum, if it is okay for you, I'll tell you at least 14 Days before of course and wait for a replace if it takes longer, no asshole :D
have beeb kicked out on Goblin now for, I guess, 2 hours or more? Sucks..
Still looking for Cerberus players
Bump - Still searching...
*Push* Still searching for buddy's
Yessss I have 3 friends looking to join up!!
We need 1 more for cerberus for a WP farm group pm me
PM'ed you Moo - I am still searching for people on Cerberus - you can add me on skype or answer to this Topic, if MooTube goes in with his group we are 5/8