
Full Version: Previous Skill ID skills not tiggering?
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having skills enabled that you do not have yet shouldnt effect the bot if you are using the base bot and not enhancement mod. I use these profiles to lvl 1 to 50. now like warrior profile i disable SE and SP and maim because they look for debuffs i do not ahve yet so it ends up spamming maim. But it doesnt do this for dragoon if solo if you are in a party then yes you may have to disable the dots from
I wouldn't think it would either, but I'm not using any addons, working with a fresh install now and did nothing but put your profiles back in after I redownloaded.
(02-18-2014, 10:16 PM)Moji Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't think it would either, but I'm not using any addons, working with a fresh install now and did nothing but put your profiles back in after I redownloaded.

ya i just switched one of my accounts to a lvl 1 dragoon and its now lvl 16 and still working just fine ofc i had to disable the postional skills when afking in a party but solo dont have to touch anything working just fine. but you can always just reenable the skills as you get them.
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