
Full Version: Coonjurer heal chocobo battle
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Am a bit of a noob is it possible someone can make me a conjurer heal chocobo battle skill profile ? tnx
I think it falls under ally so ny of the whm profiles should heal it. If you are leveling I wouldn't use the chocobo ur xp gets cut in half
i mostly use it to help the character when it comes to the fates
Chocobo is "Party". At least it is if you have Enhanced Assit.... Not sure how it is stock.
(03-13-2014, 03:05 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]I think it falls under ally so ny of the whm profiles should heal it. If you are leveling I wouldn't use the chocobo ur xp gets cut in half

is it half? I always assumed it was a 25% allocation from you to the bird. To be fair, ive had the bird out since i started playing.. am just about to finish my final class, and its about 1/2 through rank 9. It certainly slowed down my leveling. Getting it to rank 10 is certainly an achievement.

I assumed its damage/contribution was paltry but tbh it does muhc more than i anticipated.

Now that i've derailed the thread :P
i mean if you need the hlep and cant solo... sure why not use the bird. But doing fate grinding for solo botters is still the fastest way. Using ur bird will slow this down alot and you still can die in fates just as easily as if you ddint have the bird out. I rather at lvl 50 Spiritbind gear and use the bird then to get the rank 10. And yes its 50% its easy to see. kill a mob with out hte bird out and with the bird it will be cut in half.
You can't heal NPCs without my addon, unless you specificially target them and have a healing skill set to heal your currently selected target.
Can you guide me how to configure my Cure Skill Settings on Skill Manager to heal my companion "Company Chocobo"?

I tried to adjust my Target Settings to Ally, Party, PartyS(?) and 'put it on the top list' with 'Include NPC settings' Enabled still my THM wont heal my companion.

Please enlighten me with your Knowledge. Btw, im using AssistEnhance by aceRage.
Target set to Party, Target HP % < set properly, and "Include NPC" should be all that's necessary. Beyond that I'd have to verify that the companion's HP is being picked up correctly by the EntityList.
Many Thanks, aceRage!
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