(03-28-2014, 02:33 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]Whitak3r dont know how many times how many places on the forum we have to put this BUT DONT USE the GUI_launcher it doesnt work.
jackie1234 even the non GUI when i tried to open it is not working. Is there an exact way of doing it? I tried opening FFXIV manually then logged in manually then opening the non GUI launcher, a window will pop up says "Failed to attach" Thanks.
lauch the game, log in to the game select the character load the character in once hte character is fully logged in launch teh bot as admin then attach.
Ive just put out the new gui launcher, it should get rid of all these problems
still having the same problems, also GUI is coming up with an invalid account status when trying to login.
Mine is working just fine for the moment so cheers! Connecting on 90002 Errors appreciated.
Invalid account means you are not running the gui launcher as admin (if you know the credentials are correct)
(03-29-2014, 04:09 AM)omegabuddy Wrote: [ -> ]Invalid account means you are not running the gui launcher as admin (if you know the credentials are correct)
If you have tried and 100% sure all info is correct try a clean install of the game. Clean install fixed issue for me.
what will gui launcher do, that different to normal way ?
Will the launcher support choosing leader and selecting which duty soon >?
Spotted a Problem, maybe.
The bot is kinda Spamming Fate's to Blacklist, no idea why. Farmed in East Shroud for ~5 minutes for Atma's and had 3 FATE's on blacklist, sadly the 3 fate's which have been popping at that moment so the bot would've been standing there for 15 minutes ;)