(04-03-2014, 10:37 AM)Powder Wrote: [ -> ]Also be sure to run the actual ffxiv launcher after any maintence once, like this time they updated their launcher which will stop our launcher from working until you do update using the actual game launcher.
Appreciated, this worked for me was abit baffled when i woke up.
I have a funny crash happening to me 100% of the time. When I get 90k and try to get back into the game (game isn't crashed, just press the START and pick your character to get back in) the game crashes right after it loads every time and on all my PCs. I get 1-3seconds in the game when it loads but it crashed right after. Have to restart the game after every time I get 90k :(
(04-03-2014, 12:59 PM)Koopla Wrote: [ -> ]I have a funny crash happening to me 100% of the time. When I get 90k and try to get back into the game (game isn't crashed, just press the START and pick your character to get back in) the game crashes right after it loads every time and on all my PCs. I get 1-3seconds in the game when it loads but it crashed right after. Have to restart the game after every time I get 90k :(
Same problem here after the 2.2 patch. Before this patch I could relog usually after any kind of DC.
I am not using the GUI launcher.
BTW, may i ask for a simple explanation on the IP settings of the GUI launcher?
Its a known issue. the ip settins is for people that use vpn and you want to set different ips
the ip thing is for people who use vpn's and want to make sure the launcher doesnt reconnect with their original ip if the vpn fails.
Getting the Error Failed to Attach(2) since update today worked fine yesterday now it dont =/
Even tried running the Update.exe and it seems to do nothing even when ran as admin
haha disregard restarted pc and works fine now =P
(04-03-2014, 07:27 AM)Powder Wrote: [ -> ]try now
So it now detects currently running games after relaunching the launcher correctly. Still have the Warning msg when a game locks up and causes the launcher process to end after closing the box. It's randomly closing out processes even when they are not frozen or crashed too.
I was just in the middle of the lvl 50 whm class battle and the game closed out of the blue, no msg or anything. It certainly was not frozen. I tried closing the launcher and relaunching and as soon as it logged in, it immediately closed the game for no reason, again not frozen. The GUI launcher then says Invalid account, but it just logged in fine... This is after today's update.
Ok so if you set frozen time to 150 or 120, the launcher constantly closes the game and reopens them. It's not detecting correctly that the process is not frozen.
What does the status say? Does it ever say "Running"?
For the constant relogging? Everything appears correct. I haven't watched it though to see what status msgs it goes through.