It looks pretty impossible right now. I think they designed this fight with teleport hackers in mind lol. Anyone find else find a safe spot?
we havent tried it yet, still working on story modes. theres always a way though.
I've done it 3 times legit, But I'd imagine if you are underneath it could be possible?
People just dont quit on wipes and are to persistent since its new content.
I'm talking about doing EX solo. Right now the area is locked down pretty tight; try going underneath and see what happens.
I wouldn't be surprised if they gave everything a ranged from this point out unfortunately.
Try to bug out the boss, teleport below ground to 24 yalms and keep one toon on the battle platform maybe.
I have yet to try Leviathan as Im currently doing points for coil and farming new craft mats, when I get around to it I will post my co-ords if I suss it out.
Teleporting underground kills you in this instance. :(
yeh coil = once a week, week almost over, going to have fun doing coil this weekend O_O
(03-28-2014, 11:45 AM)Rematch2k Wrote: [ -> ]Teleporting underground kills you in this instance. :(
Damn, errrm well I will get around to trying it this weekend but like I said, if i find a way ill post it here.
(03-28-2014, 11:53 AM)ChaotikSoul Wrote: [ -> ] (03-28-2014, 11:45 AM)Rematch2k Wrote: [ -> ]Teleporting underground kills you in this instance. :(
Damn, errrm well I will get around to trying it this weekend but like I said, if i find a way ill post it here.
Me and james tried it yesterday, unlimited range on the boss... everywhere on the map! Hope you can solve it