Hi, i might be doing something completly wrong, but i tried makeing a skill profile.
by simple putting crafting steps in, from 1-16, all i want the bot to do is run from key 1 to 16, for some reason it just spams the key 1 over and over till it runs out of cp?
do you need to check the profile somewhere for it to continue? dont want it to calculate procs or anything, simple slave pressing a rotation i made to 100% HQ.
The skillmanager goes through the list from top to bottom and checks the conditions on each ability, the first one that meets all the required conditions is executed. Since you did not set any conditions, it is executing the first one.
if i would just want it to run truh the list, and since there are no conditions, what would i have to look into then?
as said all i want it to do is read from skill 1 to 17
ty for the ref. hans.
but i might be a complete retard on this.
but jackie says : right.... thats what im telling you. Set up the skills in the skill profile exactly as if you where gonna use them. if you use X still in this condition or at this many stacks of innerquiet. set the skill that way in the profile....
how is this makeing any sense?
you put the letter X in all the boxes or?
nvm will find another bot, just for this lil part when it comes to crafting :p this is to advanced for a simple task
It's actually quite simple if you would just listen to the instructions being provided you. Add your first item, since you only ever want it to be executed on step 1, you would set "Step >= 1", and "Step < 2". This tells the bot, "only use this skill if my step is 1". Add second skill, "Step >= 2", and "Step < 3", and so forth.
The skill manager starts with the very top skill in the list every single pass, and will execute the first skill whose conditions are acceptable. If you can't manage that, there are skill profiles available to use in the downloadable Skill Profiles section.
If you can't manage that, life is going to be hard.
Thats if you want to do it step by step, but a step by step craft cannot adjust to any failure. What i mean by X skill. As in X+Y=Z X is just any skill.....
So just set up a skill like you would use it. Take Hasty touch.
I use hasty touch as long as i have more then 20 durablitly.
I use Great stride when i have steady hand II buff and 7 stacks of inner quiet.
I use Tricks of trade when i have good condition.
when hans says WHEN ALL CONDITIONS ARE MET he doesnt mean Good excelent normal he means, Conditionals like has >20 Durability has 7 stacks of innerquiet or has >30 cp. Those are examples of conditionals.
Hi jackie. Can u share and post a screenshot of the skill manager for triggering great strides when you have steady hand ii and 7 stacks of inner quiet? Thanks.
(04-03-2014, 03:18 AM)uniquez77 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi jackie. Can u share and post a screenshot of the skill manager for triggering great strides when you have steady hand ii and 7 stacks of inner quiet? Thanks.
here you go
ty for the helps guys, i fineally understood it and got it to work.