
Full Version: Tonberry TP mytho/soldier/new coil LS LFM
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(05-01-2014, 06:34 AM)angelirku Wrote: [ -> ]Uhms we did it 2 weeks ago and after that we were fine. The suspension came in later like 1 week + later.
We did 2 tank 2 heal 4 dps and we only did T6 and T7 :X .

how long was your suspension
is t6 soloable?
3 days suspension. 2nd coil , all of the turn cannot solo, even if u solo, u get no loot
what cords are you guys using?because we've spent hours trying to do turn 6 after they changed things and we cant get it.
have to go through some of the mechanic in every phase, so really no cord
we now have 30+ member in LS now, always mytho farm happening. come join us =)
how do i join?? ty
message me your ign and skype needed for chat
Is it ok to not have skype and join?
is it still available?
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