
Full Version: Bot targets but does not engage mobs
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I've been having this strange issue for a few days, and it seemed to happen right in the middle of me using it.

I was using the bot as my THM - going fine, then I switched over to Lancer - again, going fine for the most part (using the default 'Lancer' profile). I removed the first skill, Invigorate from the profile (I don't have it), saved the profile, and then enabled the bot again - this time it took a few steps towards the closest mob, then stopped. I want to say something like..10-15 yards away, but not exactly sure.

Manually moved forward, bot engaged. Thought it was a fluke, but continued to watch. Bot kills mob, then moves towards next mob - again, stops the same distance away.

Going through troubleshooting I checked the Install/Setup guide, and looked at the "Not moving HALP!" section:

==== Make sure you set BOTMODE to grind (or whatever you want to do)

It is.

==== Make sure your char stands on a navmesh (which you loaded before in the meshmanager)


==== Make sure you selected a Skillmanager profile / created one for your character


==== Make sure the navmesh has GrindMarkers with your playerlevel OR has markers and you have the "ignore markerlevel checkbox" in the grind settings checked


==== Make sure your char stands in an area/map with enemies that fit to your playerlevel (+/- 3)


Have tried restoring my changes - nothing different. Have removed and reinstalled the bot 3-4 times now, no change. Have reloaded the Enhance Assist and Jackie's profiles - no change.

System is Win 7 Pro x64 SP1. Tried both with no AV (with Defender disabled) and with MSE - no difference. Removed all startup items from msconfig, ensure nothing else is running in the background - no change.

I've very confused as to what may be happening here.
Make sure that there is a skill in your profile that your character meets the qualifications of using. I know this is a pretty trivial thing, but with everything you have already stated thats the only thing I can think of.

If that doesnt do it, you can hit me up on skype nico-r1p
Tried the above - only two skills for Lancer were the basic True/Vorpal combo.

This seems to only be affecting melee classes. If I run it as THM - the bot works fine.
just use my Drg profile. and if you have enhanced assist try removing that first. You may not have the profile set up proper. Try my drg profile. just because you dont have a skill doesnt mean you need to remove it fromt he manager. The bot knows if you can cast the skill or not and if you cannot it skips it.
I have the same issue , please any solutions ?
I had a similar issue and it is solved now

my problem was on : Blacklist >> Hunting Monster

The bot was trying to hunt another mobs from previous area. I added the new mobs and it worked

Hope this help
Am playing as Marauder, I have noticed when the character got aggro it will attack and finish the fate if it was doing the fate. But when it try to fight Regular mob, it keep a certain distance without initiating combat and follow the target. I have ticked the option starting fight. When i change my job to mage for example blackmage, everything run smoothly.

As the topic writer mentioned melee attacks doesn't work and the charter does not move to the monster to fight

Help pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
my question to you guys are you using hte enhanced assist mod if so try removing that and see if the issue persists.
Hey, sorry for the delay.

Tried the DRG profile - no difference

Tried removing Enhanced Assist - no change.
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