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What do you mean solo queue ? for Duty ?
was talkin about SE. it seems SE did shit in ther hotfix again and they have to do 1 more update. (duty bugged, AH bugged, coerthas fates bugged, etc.)
When will you fix the duty entering? The bot is unchecking the duty after his first run
(06-10-2014, 02:26 PM)db00 Wrote: [ -> ]When will you fix the duty entering? The bot is unchecking the duty after his first run
that was fixed unless it broke from last nights maintence ive been doing duty for the last couple days.
When I gather with stealth, the character continue walking instead of running even when there's no more stealth ... any idea to fix it ? :)
Thanks for the head'sup. I didn't checked ingame, only the first post of this thread, and this was marked as not fixed. checking ingame now
e1: Duty works.
(06-10-2014, 03:24 PM)Keryas Wrote: [ -> ]When I gather with stealth, the character continue walking instead of running even when there's no more stealth ... any idea to fix it ? :)
same here. hes walking insteed of running after stealth till he reaches the next spot. was reporting this after the big patch alrdy.
only "help" would be, remove stealth and try to gather on spots wheres no monster attacking you.
whats going on i cant run more than 1 launcher using minion gui i could run up to 8 last time now i open a second it closes automatically, this is really getting annoying i use the launcher at start up and with that method i can only run 3 even tho i have 4 subscriptions 4th one dsnt show ?????
Can't mount with Assist Enhance again, guess it's broken. Disable that and the bot itself will work fine, however.
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