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(06-09-2014, 01:17 PM)Brangmang Wrote: [ -> ]Hey ich habe folgendes Problem :
Wenn ich alle 4 Accounts starte und eine Instanz betrete bzw nicht gleich etwas starte schließen sich immer wieder 2 Accounts ohne fehlermeldung oder sonstiges von alleine.
Bisher lief alles ohne probleme aber seit gestern abend fliegen wie gesagt immer wieder zwei raus jedoch aber auch nicht immer die selben sondern es kommt einer lotterie gleich welcher account on bleibt und welcher nicht
Ich hoffe das mir hier einer helfen kann da ich leider immer das pech habe wenn ich in den support chat reingehe keiner da ist
Es tut mir leid mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut
Das Spiel selbst ist immer noch ein paar Probleme, die meine Bots verursacht hat, um hin und wieder abstürzen mit. hoffentlich nach dem Spiel Wartungs morgen wird es selbst zu beheben.
Spiel schließt auch mein normales Zeichen manchmal
The game itself is still having a few problems which has caused my bots to crash every now and then. hopefully after game maintenance tomorrow it will fix itself.
Game also crashes my normal character sometimes to.
(06-09-2014, 01:56 PM)random73 Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure your bots arent using the same key ?
I was having a similar problem last night but I was running 2 accounts on one pc and 2 on another - definately diff keys btw, but every now and then the game would crash on two of the accounts.
Personally I don't think it was the bot as this still happened when I had them logged in without the bot activated.
Similar things have already been reported on the official forums so hopefully will be fixed after maintnenace tomorrow.
Using the mount with all addons including Atma Tracker 1.31 seems to be working again. (for me anyway lol)
Cant wait for the DF auto-selection part to start working fully again and the GUI
Any idea if they will be fixed today?
(06-09-2014, 04:25 PM)fxfire Wrote: [ -> ]another maintenance you say :D ?!
Yep :(
At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn will be unavailable.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
*The World Transfer Service will be suspended 15 minutes before maintenance begins, and will be unavailable until maintenance has ended.
[Date & Time]
Jun. 10, 2014 from 06:00 to 11:00 (GMT)
* The completion time may be subject to change.
[Affected Service]
The biggest issue im still having is using grind mode, it doesnt run to marker and then start the grind, it just kills whatever
So, FFXIV is going to have another maintainence update later tonight for NA... Will MMOMinion be down for another 1-3 days? Not trying to sound ungrateful, just wanting to know so I can prepare my faint heart for another day or two of no botting.
guys calm down .. they just fix some bugs they includet with 2.28. they never will fix that much files like a patch. and like you may read - there was only 2 of 4 devs on it to fix minion.
calm down and lets see what happens.
(06-09-2014, 08:22 PM)Lienniar Wrote: [ -> ]So, FFXIV is going to have another maintainence update later tonight for NA... Will MMOMinion be down for another 1-3 days? Not trying to sound ungrateful, just wanting to know so I can prepare my faint heart for another day or two of no botting.
well ive been botting for the last day and a half the bot wasnt down more then a day. I wouldnt imagine it being down more then a day and thats only if a bunch of shit change. I think the maintence today is to fix all the 90k errors.
You're hardcore fanboi about this arn't you. Maybe its dealing with all the negative posts it makes you negative too.
Maintenance Ended Jun. 5th 2014 At 4:10 PDT, fxfire's post about FFXIVMinion working happend Jun. 7th 2014 At 1:59 PDT.
Thats damn near 2 days! Lienniar's question was fair.
Is gathering messed up for anyone else? It seems to jut stop randomly, bot Is still active but not farming. Also If It mounts up It doesn't dismiss mount in front of node - It just stands there.
Yeah, that's what I meant in my question. I guess people assumed I was just complaining about the update when I just wanted to know what this update will possibly do, and how long it might take MMOMinion if it's a hotfix patch and not a major patch.
I'm pretty sure the patch is merely server-sided to fix all the 90k errors people have been getting. Which means minion wouldn't require updating.
Edit: I meant maintenance, not patch.

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