
Full Version: FFXIVMinion - Duty Mode Fixes
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Hi also ersteinmal mom läuft es bei mir mit dem duty recht gut
Nur ich habe mit dem relogger ein merkwürdiges problem denn wenn ich ff14 darüber starte klappt es das spiel startet jedoch wenn sich der Bot startet bekomme ich eine fehler meldung das die ff14cd fehlen würde klicke ich dieses fenster weg startet der bot und alles klappt.
Aber das problem ist halt wenn ich afk bin und wieder nach hause komme ist meistens nicht viel passiert da sich zwischen durch ein account verabschiedet hat und dann an dieser stelle nähmlich das keine cd eingelegt wäre ( keine ahnung wie der BOT so einen fehler verursachen kann) stecken bleibt.

Und um einigen Fragen zuvor zu kommen ich habe es mit neu runterladen des bots ausprobiert ich habe ff neuinstalliert und ja es passiert nur wenn ich den relogger benutze
Woa. After the update, the duty still worked. At least. Even i had to do manual selection at first. Now all broken. "no duty selected" after 1 or 2 or 3 runs.
finally to do for 100% afk whenever we start the bot is a option to auto invite specific Player to our group (and accept invites from specific player) ^^
I've tested the current live code afk for 9 hours with no problems. If you have any issues with it please try removing all addons, because as far as I'm concerned its fixed and working 100%.
Good perfect updateThumbsUp
(06-15-2014, 01:04 PM)f3re Wrote: [ -> ]I've tested the current live code afk for 9 hours with no problems. If you have any issues with it please try removing all addons, because as far as I'm concerned its fixed and working 100%.

i agree its working wonderfully now. been running several hours no issues thanks for the hard word f3re
Been using since yesterday's update, tested WP, AK, and LCoA - no problems at all; 12 hours so far, as of this post. (Only addons I have is yMko's Toolbox)
since update i get a weird bug ..

starting GUI_Launcher -> starting bot -> he logs in -> he auto starts -> after X Min/Hrs i get a Error

Please report this!


after i click on OK, it closes GUI, but i still have the bot attached and active -> after severel Min/Hrs later i get 2 more error, same es be4 and:

Cant Write Memory"


(win 8 64bit (clean install only drivers are installed and java for google chrome - only have browser open while bot is active - w/o browser comes the error too.)
Does this mean can't run the repair add on? if that's the case then that would explain why mine isn't working still. I've deleted everything, and only have the repair add on, when trying to run 8 man duty finder It still doesn't select after a couple runs. My LCOA has been doing the same. This has been last couple of days.
you can still use the Repair Toolbox
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