
Full Version: FFXIVMinion - Duty Mode Fixes
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(Another) update has been pushed with duty select fixes. Anybody still have problems after update is probably using the loot addon from the forums, which removes auto duty selection (we told you that with the last duty update)

Duty mode has been updated to return auto duty selection functionality and fix a couple of relogger scenarios that resulted in the correct duty not being selected by the disconnected account. Please let us know of any situations you encounter where duty mode is not working 100% afk - that's the goal for duty mode and the relogger and we want to fix any problems standing in the way of that goal.
f3re. I still have to manually select duty the first time. Running lost city profile.
Can you test other duties to verify whether its a duty specific issue or not please
Just talked to other user. Some queue lost city normally but only lost city works. One will auto select but leaves dungeons right after entering. I will test other dungeons.

Update :

Tested Sunken temple and WP profiles. None of them auto select the duty for me unless I pick it the first time.
Indeed, its not selecting duty on either of those dungeons.

I am now also getting a .net framework error when trying to open the launcher
same, after updated this morning, it happened
Is there a way to avoid the "auto-AFK" in the game ? Because when people see a character who's running, fighting or gathering while he's AFK ... I think they will report, and our accounts will be banned. I've seen 2 users of the bot, fighting while they were AFK. And it's not confortable to move the mouse every 10 minutes to avoid this ... Thanks ! :)
just turn it off.

system config -> "..." -> Auto-AFK
confirmed problem on LCOA
for haltalia, bot will run about 3 times and then, say no duty is selected. and never reselect.

Thats even with my first push thats manual checked the duty.

I didnt want to add new post.
Still only runs 1 time on Halatali and then states No Duty Selected.
More detail, if Duty Window is closed w/ no Duty Selected. And I run bot. Correct Duty is selected and Dungeon is ran until I get out. Then Duty is unchecked and Bot doesn't Auto Check again thus i need to manually check Halatali every time ( i can't find an auto clicker that will actually work >.< )

I also had an issue with Relogger, my last account kept bugging out during start up saying i had bad keycode. I closed launcher and reopened, it saw other 3 running and i just clicked start on 4th. no problem after that.
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