(07-13-2014, 03:49 AM)wisdom3 Wrote: [ -> ]do a skill profile with self buff only it will at least keep buffing and not get kicked
Haha, thanks. I will try that
(07-13-2014, 03:49 AM)wisdom3 Wrote: [ -> ]do a skill profile with self buff only it will at least keep buffing and not get kicked
actually thats not true there is a range check on melee characters if they are not in range of the target it wont use a buff or any skill for that matter.
I used BRD profile on my pug/mnk and had cross skilled brd skill and bot kept spamming that and internal release
so not sure why it worked for me then ^^
(07-13-2014, 03:49 AM)wisdom3 Wrote: [ -> ]do a skill profile with self buff only it will at least keep buffing and not get kicked
Could you give me an example of this? I have protect on my Gladiator but he never uses it no matter what I do in the skill manager.
(07-14-2014, 04:33 AM)wisdom3 Wrote: [ -> ]I used BRD profile on my pug/mnk and had cross skilled brd skill and bot kept spamming that and internal release
so not sure why it worked for me then ^^
did you have the helper.lua file that had some changes made to it? Because all melee classes by default have a range check first. If its not in melee range of the target it wont use any skills. The helper.lua that had some changes made to it removed this check.
What are you guys doing 1-15 now that almost no one (at least on my server) is doing fates?
Hunting logs. If you have a second account with a 50 you can play follow the leader with the lower level tagging mobs in areas with tons of mob and the level 50 one-shotting them. Also, shared levequest with a 50.
i just set the bot in the starter zone of uldah and i have grind markers in 3 spots and i set it to grind mobs and do fates. get lvl 15 in about 2 hours.
Jackie for your dungeons profile (i couldnt see the post tied to this profile) for which dungeons do we need tank / healers ?
none the duty mode teleports