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Finished making up a mesh for Frontline. Still not 100% complete, but it'll still reasonably good.
It can be [downloaded here], I hope it comes in use for someone.

If anyone can get this working, please share it!
(07-22-2014, 03:14 PM)Drastik Wrote: [ -> ]Finished making up a mesh for Frontline. Still not 100% complete, but it'll still reasonably good.
It can be [downloaded here], I hope it comes in use for someone.

If anyone can get this working, please share it!

Thank you dude
ty for your work, can you explain me how to use?, I'm totally new on this bot
unpacked all file in the folder navigation, start bot, and chose pvp from setting, ok the bot start ,and pg stay always in strating point, ave only some move, at the end of match don't exit from battlefront and if i choiche to exit the pg run forward, is this right? o i have miss something? can you explain me?
pvp doesnt support frontline yet
so to use this i have to select grind?
(07-24-2014, 09:42 PM)lollos Wrote: [ -> ]so to use this i have to select grind?

atm its basically just to have for when it is added. You can set grind and grind markers but i dont think it will even pvp.
Ok so I've got it half working.
For those of you that didn't find my NavMesh it can be [downloaded here]. I've added Grind markers at all the flags which makes the bot run from area to area and actually hit targets in the process.

1)Will Attack people and run from flag to flag
2)Don't look like an obvious bot
3)Receive rewards

The Bad:
1)It will not auto register for PVP.
2)At the start of the match it will try to run to Grind Markers while gates are closed.
3)My mesh covers everything except the starting areas (unless you're Immortal Flames) so you'll have to build the mesh for the starting area yourself.
4)Running of the cliff at the end of the starting point the bot does a weird jittery run.
5)You will not return automatically. You will have to respawn by yourself, however ressurection still works.

How to use:
1) Download my NavMesh from the link above.
2) Place it in your Minion Navigation folder.
3) Select Frontline and register.
4) Load the NavMesh while in Frontline
5) Have bot set to "Grind"

I just tried it. However, it just runs the path once you jump off the ledge (I am immortal flames but it still doesn't do anything in the starting area I have to manually run off the cliff). Once it takes it path and an enemy engages while my character is on your path they start running backwards/forwards/backwards/etc..They don't attack (even though I have my PVP skill manager setup) they just run in this zig-zag around whoever is attacking me.
will try it later today :( I hope dev will add something for frontline botting
Any news on when this will be implemented? When I saw the ad for PVP botting I bought the bot assuming that would include frontlines as no one does Wolves Den any more on my server.
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