i have from time to time the problem that my bots stuck in a dungeon (have aggro from a mob but the bot do not kill him. and yes the mob ID is in the dutyprofil the bot clears the duty in 90% of the cases.)
so when the bot stucks the game kicks my bots out of the duty after 10min inactivity.
The problem is the Bot doesnt re queue. The Bot does nothin after this case.
are you running live or beta version of the bot?
ah damn again forget to write which version i use ^^
i use only live version.
the second problem that i have is with the updated launcher.
when the GUI try a restart of a disconnected bot then told my in 1 of 2 cases the account is Invalid.
but when ich Start/Stop the Bot after this manually, it works
hmm thats odd and your live version if fresh install not overwrite of the beta bot. and i'm not having any issue in the live version of the bot in duty mode. I have bunch of bots running it WP and its fine. make sure you are not running Loot addon its messes with duty mode in live version. are you running any other addons?
no i use several botfolders so no "testing" from my with beta or addons etc. interfere with my farm bots ^^
no loot in this duty only kill mobs.
and only AssistEnhance and a small Addon to track the Gil/h
The Bot is fine in WP or so. i think the problem is to aggro a mob then teleport to far away. you have still aggro but the new killtask scans the new area and no mob here (the aggro mob is to slow) and then thinks the bot ok all is fine leave the dungeon but in fight the bot cant leave.
Then the Bot stucks. get kicked out of the Duty after 10 min and then the Big problem. The Bot doesnt rejoin.
I have the profil improved it runs 10h with no problems yet.
WP is the same WP ive ran since duty mode was launched its the one ive posted here on the forums and it works great. None of the distances are to far. check them out here i have 2 for bosses in WP and 1 for farming mobs.
sorry when you misunderstand me.
i use in this case no WP.
i have my own profil for another Duty created.
my problem is solved with a minor tweak in my profil.
but the Bot has still a problem when all 4 Bots get kicked out of a Duty for inactivity.
But thx for your Help :)