how many markers do I need to drop per zone? And how detailed do the markers have to be as far as picking up the hunts if they are there? I assume if its an S rank it wont matter much as it will be picked up from anywhere in the zone but with an A rank I know the distant isnt that far.
markers are markers they work just like Grind markers. you drop them all over the zone and the bot will go to each marker looking for the mob with in a radius of that marker if hte mob isnt found then it moves to the next hunt marker.
I started doing that, how can I share it with others? Can't seem to find the marker-files for the hunts
(09-17-2014, 07:03 PM)klepp0906 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-12-2014, 01:45 AM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]so your to lazy to run around each zone dropping 10 or so markers in the zone?
I love the condescending attitudes from support here. Maybe he is lazy, which is why he offered to pay. It's ease of use features and/or resources that make a bot great . This bot is very powerful all things considered, but also overly complicated in some areas.
I'd be willing to bet he simply doesn't know how. Should have directed him to the tutorial thread :p
One thing I can say is, The support here is extremely condescending, up to and including making fun of someone for asking for help.
One of the first major posts I made, where i had issues with the bot erroring the background window and causing the game to crash, I have since fixed this issue on my own after finding that it was a permissions error within Windows 7 Ultimate., but when i posted screenshots, and proof, I was met with the reply "No one else is having this issue, you must be doing something wrong" or the likes.
I NEVER ask for help from Xfire/jackie anymore because you simply just don't get it. I get the impression that the support here feels because they wrote a guide they feel is full proof, that if someone has a question, they are just too stupid to talk to.
(12-05-2014, 09:09 PM)irodeyourmom Wrote: [ -> ] (09-17-2014, 07:03 PM)klepp0906 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-12-2014, 01:45 AM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]so your to lazy to run around each zone dropping 10 or so markers in the zone?
I love the condescending attitudes from support here. Maybe he is lazy, which is why he offered to pay. It's ease of use features and/or resources that make a bot great . This bot is very powerful all things considered, but also overly complicated in some areas.
I'd be willing to bet he simply doesn't know how. Should have directed him to the tutorial thread :p
One thing I can say is, The support here is extremely condescending, up to and including making fun of someone for asking for help.
One of the first major posts I made, where i had issues with the bot erroring the background window and causing the game to crash, I have since fixed this issue on my own after finding that it was a permissions error within Windows 7 Ultimate., but when i posted screenshots, and proof, I was met with the reply "No one else is having this issue, you must be doing something wrong" or the likes.
I NEVER ask for help from Xfire/jackie anymore because you simply just don't get it. I get the impression that the support here feels because they wrote a guide they feel is full proof, that if someone has a question, they are just too stupid to talk to.
you said it your self though it was a permission error within windows 7. So it wasnt the bots fault. When people report errors and bugs they need to have a receptive attitude. OMG THE BOOT BROKE!! HERE IS PICKS!!! doesnt get anything fixed. You have to detail the bug be exceptive to the issues. Just cause we say no one else is having the issue doesnt mean we dont want to help It means that we cannot reproduce teh issues here. 90% of the time its some user error or something enviromental on your system causing the issues. and when people will not except this answer then it gets a little frustrating because they wont accept them help but then accuse us of not wanting to help. I spend quite a bit of time using team viewer to fix peoples issues. and i can say with out shadow of a doubt that at least 90% is some form of user error. Not following the guides and setting things up correctly, to having programs running in the background that we explicitly say dont have installed. I'm the first one to admit ill give someone a little bit of a hard time if they insist on it being the bots fault when 100s of users are using the bot at any given moment and not having issues. Or cant follow a simple tutorial or use the search feature. But I'm still always willing to help people figure things out as long as they dont want to play the blame game. For example. guy says "i have problem with the bot" I ask do you have any AV installed. he says "yes AVG". Well the guide says Dont have any AV installed other then MSE on windows 7. He says " I have it disabled that should be fine" No it needs to be uninstalled " I dont see how that makes a difference". You can see this happens at least 2 times a week with this exact problem.....
is there a way of having the bot know when a hunt link (any) is posted in a linkshell? i just think it would be useful to just have the bot sit around and wait on links to hunt locations sorry in advance if this is not possible just typing out loud here :)
Since the argument over if the request was right or not is fnished, I would like to ask how to set up the Hunt option for the bot. the tutorial link has no description due to updates, ect. I have the list of Hunt ID's for ranks S,A,B Heavensward content, I placed them into the Radar, so what must be done for the bot to operate. I dropped a few markers down in random areas to see if the toon moved and there was nothing. I am new to MMOMINION so the tutorial and personal exp stories are all i have to go by. Thank you.
hunt mode doesnt work, its on the list to be completely redone like questing was, at one point it worked but then SE changed how hunts work. and hunt mode is pretty worthless just wandering around marker to marker. eventually it will be reworked.