
Full Version: im confused
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hi there i have been away for about 4 months from minion and is it just me i don't know but i dont see the auto repair and summon companion option anymore :O
for the Live bot you might need the enhanced tools mod in the LUA modules sub forum
for the beta bot, its all there.

Repairs: should be in the General section "Repair []" and "Repair @ xx%"
For the beta bot, it's hardcoded to repair at 10%
may you kindly give me a link for the beta bot please ?
live version is suppose to be updated tomorrow, by the current beta version unless I did misread it.
That is correct
i tried the beta i tried launching it at character select, main menu, in game but it keeps crashing the game :(
uzumaki , can you run the live bot ok ?
you dont launch at character select you launch in game fully loggd in to the game. then you try to attach the bot. make sure when you install the beta you install it in to a completely new folder not just over your live folder.
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