I used to be apprehensive in trying this out, but once I took the time to learn it and set it up properly, it works nicely!
I do have a question though :O
From what I understand, if you set an "Idle" location, it will try to gather in that location.
What I did then was set a an unspoiled marker in Costa.
I treated it like a normal marker and set it to the area I wanted my character to gather at when idle (water crystals).
I then set the new location with a filler time and at the idle marker I want it gather at, along with which class they should be.
However, what mine is doing is that if what I gathered previously before it idles was a different gathering class, it sometimes won't switch classes.
For example, I was getting clusters as a Miner in Mor Dhona and I port to my idle map after for gathering, but it won't change classes to Botanist and stays a Miner.
Then what it proceeds to do (another thing I noticed) was that since it is a miner, it goes and runs to the nearest mining node and starts mining shards.
This is not too huge of a problem since it's at least making use of idle time, but I just noticed it and wondered if that's how it's supposed to work.
Sometimes, it doesn't do this though. It will just stay a Miner and stand there doing nothing. It feels random and I never know what it will do when it's in the Idle zone.
And that transitions to my final question--when you set a map to idle gather at, do you have any choice about which nodes you get to gather at?
Or will it just choose the nearest available nodes?