Hi All,
for some reason the nav meshes does not seem to have any markers anymore, the bot works fine if i was to create my own markers of the original gathering places but out of the box it has none. I have even tried fresh install multiple times etc and still the same effect.
some larger zone meshes still take a good 20-30 sec after i enter zone to load - not good for hunts ;;
(09-06-2014, 03:32 PM)Mutantx Wrote: [ -> ]some larger zone meshes still take a good 20-30 sec after i enter zone to load - not good for hunts ;;
There is a disable mesh loading
With the ffxiv bot update that I just did seems that my gathering meshes stopped working properly.
The bot has priority 1 : Crystal, and 2 shards
if he doesn't find crystals in those nods he farms regular items.
I noticed this on multiple maps, so this has to be a new problem (starting to occur recently)
If I change priority 1 to shards, and 2 to crystals, he will farm only shards
can we disable meshloading per default in Duty; Assist Mode?
Bot will stop grinding for no reason.
Zone Northern Than
1 grind point set for 1-50
It's a bit odd if I come back and click on a mob it starts back up again.
It shows no errors in the logs.
The stop times are totally random. I have seen it go as long as an hr and be as short as 2 mins.
If the bot stops grinding it will stand in one spot until it is attacked. If it does not get attacked it will stand there until I activate it again.
It will start grinding again if it is physically attacked an agro will not start it back up.
This started after I patched minion yesterday.
I have done several fresh installs in a fresh folder and it still does this.
(09-08-2014, 12:04 PM)Shaolin2 Wrote: [ -> ]can we disable meshloading per default in Duty; Assist Mode?
I actually want mesh loaded even when I am in Assist mode. I use click to travel a lot.
(09-08-2014, 02:34 PM)random73 Wrote: [ -> ] (09-08-2014, 12:04 PM)Shaolin2 Wrote: [ -> ]can we disable meshloading per default in Duty; Assist Mode?
I actually want mesh loaded even when I am in Assist mode. I use click to travel a lot.
ok then pls in Duty. ^^
i go with duty to Mor Dhona to buy mats and Meshloading begins

i mean in Duty no Mesh needed. why does the bot load a Mesh