mentioniing click to travel, I never got that to work as I think it should, I remember being able to click on the map, and teleported or ran there... now it just seems to click *through* the map and ports me just where I clicked the landscape *behind* the map (i.e. only a few meters further). What could I be doing wrong?
You need to enable click to travel
of course I have that enabled...
(09-08-2014, 08:21 PM)TauTau Wrote: [ -> ]of course I have that enabled...
ok click to teleport to mouse cursor is from the dev-tp Shift+middle mouse. Click to teleport on the map is Ctrl+shift+click the big map. Click to travel is Ctrl+click the big map.
(09-08-2014, 07:32 PM)Shaolin2 Wrote: [ -> ] (09-08-2014, 02:34 PM)random73 Wrote: [ -> ] (09-08-2014, 12:04 PM)Shaolin2 Wrote: [ -> ]can we disable meshloading per default in Duty; Assist Mode?
I actually want mesh loaded even when I am in Assist mode. I use click to travel a lot.
ok then pls in Duty. ^^
i go with duty to Mor Dhona to buy mats and Meshloading begins 
i mean in Duty no Mesh needed. why does the bot load a Mesh
Duty mode isnt ment just for TP, eventually you wil lbe able to use navmesh with duty mode and hte bot navigate the duty legit.
do waypoints work for 1.5?
can't find options
used to use them for running 4 men dungeons
when running titan ex..
also using 1.5
ifrit ex
one chest
ring + mount whistle dropped
but it only looted ring and not the mount whistle..
has this always been the case?
or is this something that's been fixed or need fixing
1. You need to have waypoint folder in under the \Dev
2. Try to double the loot encounter in the profile. It's a weird glitch.
edit seems to be working now
random73 for the loot do I just copy paste the loot section so it just repeats 2 times?
Yes. You just have to make sure the encounter number is correct
We have problems with the loot.
Need and greed only work if you don’t have the item.
If an item to roll the bot spam need or greed and don’t jump to pass, if you have the item.
Any and Pass works.
Tested at Ifrit Ex.
Sorry for Google translation :x ;)
Ace i have an issue with trying to use solid reason and ageless words. the skills fire off as u engage the node but these skills in particular replenish an attempt so need to wait to be used until after at least the first strike. any chance we could get that changed? makes gathering from unspoiled nodes a lot easier when looking for hq mat's.