
Full Version: Game Crashes When Selecting Skill Profile
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NO addons work. you should not be running ANY addons at all.
(09-02-2014, 02:35 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]NO addons work. you should not be running ANY addons at all.

Ok, so there's no addons running. Can I make new skill profiles, will those work?
im using my old skill proflies from my thread just fine. just put them in the skill mananger folder.
(09-02-2014, 02:37 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]im using my old skill proflies from my thread just fine. just put them in the skill mananger folder.

Mine seem to be causing the crash. Do you have a link to your profiles, specifically crafting?
oh crafting profiles probably wont work correctly im not 100% sure on that. You will probably need to make a totaly new crafting profile.
(09-02-2014, 02:48 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]oh crafting profiles probably wont work correctly im not 100% sure on that. You will probably need to make a totaly new crafting profile.

Ok, I'll do that. Thanks for your assistance.
Can you attach one of the profiles you're having issues with to the post so that I can examine it? Sorry if you've already done this somewhere before.
(09-02-2014, 04:08 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Can you attach one of the profiles you're having issues with to the post so that I can examine it? Sorry if you've already done this somewhere before.

Sure! Except everything I try to attach it says I can't. Expect I think I have them working now, but if I find one I can't get to work, I'll see about attaching, if you have suggestions as to why i can't attach.
(09-02-2014, 01:29 PM)jackie1234 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-02-2014, 09:51 AM)Bobsayshello Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-02-2014, 07:42 AM)Trystan Wrote: [ -> ]I deleted the old directory downloaded the FFXIV_Updater.rar and put it in a completely empty directory and ran it. It downloaded the latest files and I ran it with just the base lua modules and profiles. Anytime I select a skill profile the game just suddenly exits(crashes) with no warning. It doesn't matter if I'm on a DoW, DoM, DoH or DoL set to crafting, grind, assist, w/e the game instantly crashes. As I said I even went so far as to do a clean install of FFXIV and directx, visual C and .net. Up until this latest major update I've never had any problems with FFXIV Minion.

THIS. I was so confused why only today it suddenly would crash every time I try to open any profile. Have completely removed everything and redownloaded multiple times with no change.

I literally can not use this software at all and hope to receive an extension on my license for the amount of time it takes to fix this.

we cant fix user error. This isnt happen ive tried 3 different machines. are you running any AV software, Mumble, Teamspeak?

I'm not asking anyone to fix user error. Please actually read my post before making your typical condescending and useless responses to a paying customers concerns.

I have been using this bot for over 3 months now without any issues at all. I have made ZERO changes (installed new application, lua addons, ts/mumble or any form of overlay). I completely removed bot and did a fresh install four times with no luck.

I have no addons installed at all. Considering that at least 3 people are having the same issue within a 24 hour period what else could it be? Prior to update I have never had an issue running this software. I'm not even receiving an error notification on why its crashing it just closes as soon as i select ANY profile.

Constructive questions/responses that add value to finding a solution are appreciated.

You mean it crashes even if you pick the default profile ?
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