Don't think it's a bug Latty.
I think the problem is here, lilj0nyeah needs to set the Priority on two different Markers, Lv.50 AND Lv.30. Sounds like he just covered it on the 50 one.
(10-10-2014, 08:56 PM)lilj0nyeah Wrote: [ -> ]Quick question, as far as item priority goes I have set my Item Priority #1 to be Water Crystal and Item Priority #2 to be Water Shard. It will collect the Shards fine at lvl50 nodes but when it gets to say a lvl30 node that has only Water Shard or Carbonized Matter the bot will collect the Carbonized Matter and not the Water Shard. Can't figure out why it's doing that.
you have to set up the marker for the level 30 nodes too. Each marker is for each set of nodes located on the map. Unless the 2 sets of nodes over lap you should have 2 markers and hense you would have to set up both markers with item priority.
If the level 50 set of nodes have both shards and crystals you would need to set Water Crystal and Water Shard, P1 and P2. It will gather Water Crystal if its there and will gather water shard if its not.
Oh, I was assuming he set both.
Nevermind, question was answered above. =P
is the setting gone away
Gather Trees only etc.
sorry i have the english names forget
also nur Bäume sammeln oder nur Vegetation das gleiche mit Minenarbeiter
you just set the content id on the marker for what you want to White list or black list.
Where/how can I get content ID's? is it just the slot number in the gathering log?
(11-30-2014, 07:27 PM)Wolverin3 Wrote: [ -> ]Where/how can I get content ID's? is it just the slot number in the gathering log?
Pretty much the same thing as above. Click on a node, look in the dev module for the contentid, input that into marker.
content ID is how you control what TYPE of NODES you farm NOT what you GATHER from the nodes. you use the marker priority and use the name fields to control what you actually harvest from the nodes.
you only need to use content ID if two different types of nodes are in the same area. IE if you have bushes and trees near each other that the marker picks up both in its radius. so if you only want to harvest from bushes you would target the bush and add it to the white list.
For patch 2.45, I can't run Dev Debug function. When I run gam will crash and closing.
I wanna find content ID's for setting my bot.